32| mothman

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hey yall! today i have a thread for you on everyone's favourite mythical (or not) creature, mothman!

mothman is a scary and unexplained creature with red eyes and large moth like wings. it was first sighted in point pleasant, west virginia, was made famous by the 2002 movie the mothman prophecies and has appeared before major disasters, almost like it's predicting them. the creature often appears to have no head, with red eyes set into its chest. it has been photographed and seen by eyewitnesses and has chased and harassed a number of people.

the first sighting of mothman was in november 1966 in point pleasant, west virginia. two newlywed couples were driving together on route 62 when they saw a dark figure on a hillside up ahead. it was almost seven feet tall with red eyes and large black wings folded up behind its back. as they watched, it spread its wings and flew into the air. they sped off, but the dark figure followed them even though they were driving at 100 miles per hour.

later that night a man was at home watching tv when the screen suddenly went dark and was filled with a strange pattern. just then he heard a loud, high pitched whining noise coming from outside his house. when he went out to see what it was he saw two red eyes staring back at him from the darkness. his dog took off after it and never came back. that night the man was so scared he slept with a gun next to his bed.

another family in the area spotted a dark figure outside their house. it was almost seven feet tall with glowing red eyes. the figure came onto their porch and peered through the windows. the family were so terrified that they locked the doors and called the police, but by the time they arrived the creature had vanished. news of the strange sightings spread around the world and newspapers nicknamed the creature "mothman".

between 1966 and 1967, over a hundred people saw the mysterious mothman. on december 15th, 1967, a major disaster hit the town of point pleasant when the silver bridge collapsed during rush hour traffic. the cars plunged into the dark waters of the ohio river and 46 people were killed in the accident. that night, eerie lights were seen in the sky all over point pleasant.

the mothman was never seen again after the bridge collapsed. many people believe the mothman had something to do with the disaster (mothman would never). you can see "mothman" in this picture -

mothman has also been spotted before other disasters worldwide like the tsunami in india, chernobyl in ukraine, the wars in afghanistan and iraq, and 9/11

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mothman has also been spotted before other disasters worldwide like the tsunami in india, chernobyl in ukraine, the wars in afghanistan and iraq, and 9/11.

hope you liked this part! i'm going to start doing some questions so yall actually comment rather than staying as silent readers. today's question is, who/what is your favourite cryptid? mine has to be bigfoot because he's iconic, but mothman is a close second. (watch as this flops)

credit to scarythread.s on instagram/coupletexting on twitter

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