#9 Shot Down

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A/N: This song is amazing, please play it while reading this chapter thanks😄

The door slams wide open. Montagne extends his shield, slowly moving in inch by inch. The shield makes loud ringing noises, as more bullets are fired in their direction. Bodies of masked terrorists fell one by one, likened to dominoes.

Pools of blood formed on the floor, their bodies lifeless. Rook pops bullets with immense precision, landing headshots with ease. Seeing his buddies fall onto the floor, one of the masked men threw his arms in the air, his eyes looking like he had lost it all. Rook aimed right at him.

"Please...I beg you, don't-" his head blown off by Rook before he could even finish. Doc cringed at the sight. He pitied the fallen man but at the same time, felt like he deserved it.

As they cleared the objective, loud thumping could be heard coming from the stairwell, shouts of foreign language closely followed.

"Plant the defuser, quick!" Montagne shrieked. Rook's shaky hands unlocked the buckles to the briefcase, slamming the code onto the keyboard.

"Defuser online. One minute remaining." a voice transmitted through their earpieces.

"Shit's about to get fucking real" Montagne yelled, positioning himself right in front of his teammates, holding his shield tight. Masked men flow into the entrance like water, their bodies piling on top of each other as bullets fly in their direction. Ironically, their own men's bodies were creating a natural obstruction, rather than clearing the way.

Suddenly, all was dead silent in the stairwell. Did all of them die? Rook thought to himself. He couldn't expect much or predict much for that matter, since it was his first mission.

One single gun shot was heard.

"Argh Fuck" Rook groaned, collapsing. His hands covering his thigh. Rook was down. Doc's eyes instantly widened, his body froze in place. One second of Rook groaning on the floor in pain felt like an eternity.

More masked men rushed in. This time, it was from the other wider entrance. Blinded by rage, Doc picked up a 100 round drum, slamming it into the magazine slot. He blind fired at the entrance yelling swears, tears building up in his eyes.

The bomb was defused, dead silence ensued. Carnage can be seen everywhere. Montagne stared at Doc, extremely confused at what he just did. Doc wasn't like his usual self. His eyes were blood red.

Grabbing a bandage out of his bag, he wrapped it around Rook's thigh, while weeping. He took a shot of morphine, injecting it into Rook's thigh.

"Heyy bud" Rook commented sheepishly, his eye lids closing ever so slightly as time passes.

"Julien don't close your eyes. Julien please." his voice quavered. He held Rook in his arms, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I... I lo-" Rook said slowly, his eyes shutting completely. His hands fell down, like a ragdoll. Doc's eyes filled with anguish. Montagne and Twitch both covered their mouths in shock as Rook seemingly lost his life.

"No!" Doc yelled, his voice sounded like a roar, echoing the entire floor. Anguish can be heard very clearly in his voice. Doc collapsed on Rook's body, crying.

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