#18 New Operators

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"what were we called in for?" Rook's anxious voice rang. Rook didn't like being called up with absolutely no prior explanation from Six. Especially when he isn't only caring for himself anymore. Doc's eyes however, weren't on Rook. He seemed to be oddly staring at Montagne.

"What's the matter?" Rook's eyebrows rose as he grabs Doc's hand, getting his immediate attention. Doc stammered, not knowing what to say in that moment. It wasn't appropriate to say at a place like this either, all the other operators were there.

"Uh.. Ha..ha it's nothing" Doc scrambled for words, a faint smile appeared, weakening ever so slightly. "What a pathetic excuse" Doc thought to himself.

Mumbling got louder all of a sudden, as the speakers of the hall made a squeaking sound. Six appeared from the back of the stage, shifting the mic ever so slightly. Clearing her throat, the speakers echoed it, the crowd silencing itself upon hearing that sound cue.

"Good evening dear operators. I call on you today as I have an announcement to make." She spoke confidently, raising her right hand, gesturing for someone behind the hall, before continuing her speech.

"Today, Rainbow recruits two new experienced operators. Please welcome, Capitão and Caveira from the Brazilian special police forces!" Cheers erupted, echoing several times in the hall, claps ringing at random intervals. It has been quite a while since new operators were recruited into Rainbow, and everyone was excited.

"That is the only announcement, thank you for coming dear operators. You may be dismissed." Six concluded, walking down from the podium, disappearing from sight soon after. Doc looked over, tapping Montagne's shoulder, gesturing for him to come closer so he could whisper in his ear.

"Can both of us gay couples go to the bar for dinner?" Doc whispered, his hand cupping his mouth to isolate the noise. Montagne gave a slight nod, signalling for Blitz to follow them in some unknown form of sign language. The German promptly signalled back with the same odd sign language.

"What the fuck are you guys up to?" Rook impatiently interrupted, jerking Doc's arm so he would face him. Doc smiled, "Just follow and I'll tell you later." He uttered softly, his warm hands finding a spot on Rook's thigh, covered tightly by his uniformed pants. The warmness of his hand seeped right into his thigh, diffusing like it had some sort of medicinal property. The hair on his hands stood on ends, as goosebumps riddled his entire body. Rook gulped, pushing away Doc's hand hastily before something unwanted could appear in his pants. It wasn't appropriate at this kind of time. Following Montagne's lead, they made their way out.

While they were walking out, Rook is left confused at what just happened there when his lover touched him. His hands, were like some unique code to a vault. It gave an irreplaceable feeling that Rook longed for. A golden touch some might say. But needless to say, it felt perfect.

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