#16 Stalked

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Montagne was a little off to Doc the entire training session today. He looked distracted at times, occasionally staring into the ceiling for no apparent reason. Something he hasn't done a single time since Doc became his teammate a decade ago. When Doc would ask him if he was alright, he would just give a measly slight nod. Something was definitely up.

After the training session, he just walked off alone, without uttering a single word. Doc was concerned Montagne would do something foolish, like he almost did when he was in his teenage years.

He told Rook to return to the dorm room first, before tailing Montagne, making sure he made no sound whatsoever.

For what seemed like a ten minute walk, he followed Montagne to the extreme end of the compound. This part of the compound looked bleak and beyond repair. Old discolored signs creaked on rusting hinges, mini dust clouds formed near the floor when a small gust of wind passes. What motive did Montagne have that he had to come to this part of the compound? It didn't feel right to Doc. Chills travelled down his spine as a gust of wind made a hollowing sound.

Montagne took a sharp right into a dark alley, causing Doc to be dead convinced he was up to no good.
Montagne turned again at the end of the alley, disappearing out of sight. An opportunity presented itself. Doc tip-toed down the first part of the dark alley, making sure he made zero sound along the way. He stopped just before the turn, resting his head near the wall as close to it as possible. Focusing hard, Doc tried to hear for any audible voices other than the existing white noise.

"Were you followed?" An unknown voice spoke. It sounded faintly familiar, but he ultimately couldn't decipher the voice. The timber of the voice felt really soothing to Doc though.

"I wasn't" Montagne's deep voice echoed in the dark alley. Doc's heart rate rose on hearing that. He was actually followed.

"Good. I haven't been here for a long ass time" that unknown voice spoke once again. He noticed this time that the unknown man's accent sounded somewhat German. Doc was almost certain now that Montagne was doing something illegal, and he didn't like that.

Feeling an itch in his leg, Doc bent down slowly to scratch it. While he was relieving the itching area however, he unknowingly tipped a metal tin off somewhere. A loud hollow metal sound rang through the dark alley, alarming Doc. He panicked. Using the way he went in, he tried to tiptoe out of the dark alley swiftly, making sure he wasn't heard. He was hoping the two men down that alley would be convinced that it was the wind that did it. His heart rate shot up, adrenaline filled his body as he tip-toed as fast as he could out of that alley.

Suddenly, he felt a cold hand grasping the back of his neck, the grip tightening instantly upon contact. It sent a chilling shockwave down his spine. He closed his eyes, anticipating the worst.

A/N: this was pretty fun to write hehe

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