#20 Where is Doc?

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The sunlight refracts off the window of the dorm room, perfectly casting a silhouette of the alarm clock as it screeched loudly. Rook groans, slamming the alarm clock as usual. He has always been a heavy sleeper, completely void of awareness when he goes to bed.

The room felt unusually cold though, this time. He snuggled more in his blankets, trying to gain warmth. But it wasn't possible, it was just too cold.
"Stupid heater" he slurs incoherently, eventually opening up his eyes slowly.

His pupils constricted as fast as possible, as the light gave Rook a stinging feeling in his eyes. The surroundings became clearer to him by the second.

"Hey babe.." he flipped his body to face Doc's bed, expecting Doc to be staring back at him.

But, he wasn't there.

He staggered out of bed, his hands finding places on the wall to stabilise his body. "Babe?" He crossed the corner of the room to the kitchen, disappointed yet again as Doc was nowhere in sight.

A cold gush of wind slammed into his body, he shivers, wrapping his hands instinctively around himself. He turned around and realised that oddly, the door was half open.

Exploring the room even more, he realised the closet was wide open as well, and Doc's gear was missing. Entirely.

"Emergency medic call?" Rook muttered to himself, slamming the door shut as another gust of wind blew in. It was an off day incidentally, and Rook needed some well deserved rest from all the rigorous training recently. But something was off about the situation. It made Rook a little uneasy and he did not like that.

Picking himself up lazily, he went to Montagne's room to ask about Doc's whereabouts. He opened Montagne's dorm room door, revealing the hard working man trying to fix his shield. The extended portion of the shield didn't seem to work too well after the last mission. Oblivious of Rook's existence, he continued to work on his shield, diligently.

Something about Montagne's mysterious aura was just so charming. He just seemed so reliable to depend on. Snapping out of his gaze however, he cleared his throat. Montagne instantly looked over, nodding.

"Have you seen my babe?" Rook asked worriedly. Montagne furrowed his eyebrows, before replying. "Haven't seen him today"

Disappointed, Rook slowly turned around, and proceeded to leave. Maybe he would have better luck asking other operators.

"Rook" Montagne's low voice travelled into his ears. Rook turned around in response. "I heard some man whispering in Spanish outside this morning. Maybe Jackal was up early enough to see Doc somewhere?"

"Thank you" Rook smiled, thanking Montagne for his observations.

"You know you are blushing right?" Montagne suddenly questioned, his eyebrows raised.

"No I'm not. I must get going" Rook asserted, turning around, leaving. He had to find Jackal to know more about his lover's whereabouts.

After a short while, he arrived at the GEO dorm rooms. He slowly walked through the corridor, before stopping at the door with a tag marked "Ryad "Jackal" Ramírez Al-Hassar". Knocking on the door, jackal promptly yelled "come in" with a thick Spanish accent.

"Jackal, someone said he heard Spanish speaking near the GIGN dorm rooms this morning, have you seen Doc?" Rook questioned, opening his door.

"Uh uh. No one from GEO was at your dorms this morning darling." His thick Spanish accent almost made Rook laugh. It was pretty cute though.

"Darling maybe I can help you check who's footsteps it was?" Jackal offered kindly, smiling at Rook. Rook nodded, escorting Jackal to his dorm room. Jackal crouched down, turning on his visor. "BEEP BEEP BEEP" the visor squeaked.

"Odd. Your friend Doc's footprints only show the tip of his shoe, and this?" Jackals voice went up in pitch, confused when analysing the footsteps.



A/N: hello hello! Sorry I couldn't write and publish earlier, I'm busy with work currently. Also busy procrastinating 😂 hope you enjoyed the chapter though!

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