#17 An Old Secret

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Eyes closed, the pair of cold hands swung him around, his eyes closing even tighter in response to that. Bracing for what he thought was coming, he wrapped his hands tightly around his head.

"Please I beg you!-" Doc pled, his eyes still shut tight. The pair of hands slowly travelled the length of his shoulders, separating his hands calmly from his head. It was still as cold as ice. It then moved down to his lower chin, tilting it up slightly.

"Gustave? Oh my what are you doing here?" Curiosity evidently heard through the thick German voice. Not expecting such a response, Doc was shocked. He slowly opened his eyes nevertheless, the darkness of the alley dilating his pupils. The figure became clearer by the second.

"Elias?!" Doc rubbed his eyes just to confirm for a second time. "What the fuck are you two doing here at such a place?" He immediately questioned upon verifying his identity, startling Blitz.

"We uhhhh..." Blitz stammered, turning back for Montagne's reaction. He nodded back at Blitz confidently, a small smile on his face. What exactly were they doing?

"We are uhhhh.. together.. here" He stammered again, eventually completing his statement. Doc raised an eyebrow, not entirely sure how to interpret that.

"I can see you are literally beside him Blitz" Doc emphasised, his eyebrows still raised. There was this odd look on Blitz's face, seemingly cold, but warm and the same time.

"No no" the German man shook his head vigorously, trying to correct Doc. He gestured with his two index fingers, bringing them together, "me, Montagne" he said.

Doc was amazed. There were other gay couples in the compound? "How long has this been going on?" Doc questioned yet again, curious to know everything about their relationship.

"5 years" the German promptly replied, garnering a jaw dropped face from Doc. He couldn't believe they kept the secret for such a long time, and he never found out until now.

"No wonder Montagne was in on that night's-" Doc blabbered. Before he could complete the statement though, Montagne stepped on the tip of his foot quietly, causing him to wince in realisation. Blitz gave a suspicious look to Montagne but he kept a straight face the entire time.

"Are you gay too?" Blitz questioned Doc back, his finger pointing at his chest, slightly poking it. Taken back by the question, he composed himself first. "I'm dating Rook" he answered, famously scratching the back of his head again. He couldn't quite anticipate what Blitz was going to respond.

"Ooh very sexy" Blitz replied, poking Doc in the chest once again. Doc cheeks turned red in response. Montagne rolled his eyes at his partner's behaviour. Blitz was being goofy as usual.

Maybe that's the reason Montagne liked Blitz. He probably needed a goofy kid in his life anyway.

Love is a strange thing.
A very strange thing indeed.

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