#8 Civil War

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*Playing the music while reading, it sets the mood*

"All GIGN operators, report to the conference room immediately" a familiar voice rings through the PA system. The pair grabbing their gear, hustling it on before rushing to the conference room.

"Gustave yesterday's talk-" Rook commented while running with Doc. It was their first mission together and in all honesty, they were both scared.

"Don't think about it, please. For the sake of me" Doc responded, cutting Rook off. Doc couldn't help but imagine a downed Rook, bleeding as he helplessly watched. It made him cringe. He shook his head, disrupting the graphic thoughts.

"Today's mission is urgent, and critical. You are about to drop right into a civil war zone. If this mission fails, the risk of escalating this civil war will be undeniable." Six points to the laminated map on the table, a large layout of the building centered perfectly in the middle.

"The white masks are taking advantage of the civil war in this area to sew discord. If successful, all the blame would be on the local government, pushing their agenda for a chaos filled world farther onto the map." Six continues, looking up at each operator in the room.

"Cut a swath straight into the heart of the skyscrapper, take out any opposing forces in the way. The bomb is located near the the main structural beam in the center. Good luck." Six concluded, patting each operator in the room on the shoulder, before walking out.

Loud sounds of the helicopter can be heard in the room, signalling their time to leave. As Montagne and Twitch leaves the room, Rook grab Doc's hand, planting a kiss onto his lips. "Stay safe" Rook said, his fingers loosening out of Doc's hand, walking out. Doc gulped, following Rook, knowing well that this might have been the very last kiss they would have had.

As with every other helicopter ride Doc sat in for the past 10 years, it was always the same, loud chopping sound, with no one talking on board.
Everyone was lost deep into their own thoughts, the loud chopper sound almost acting like a white noise background.

Landing on the roof of the skyscrapper, Montagne signalled for them to get off, trying to shout over the loud chopper sounds "Follow close behind my shield" he pointed at it.

They went down the stairwell, being sure to not make any noise. According to six, there were only two entrances into the objective. Take it, and it would be easy to defend. But it wasn't going to be easy at all to get in.

The door they were planning to go in from, was probably laid with plenty of booby traps. Twitch took out one of her signature drones from her pocket, placing it on the floor, operating it through a camera device.

Twitch taps a button on her device, activating her new "silent mode" feature. The tires of the drone going completely silent.

"Here goes nothing" she whispered, piloting the drone under the door. Spoting a table right beside the door, she drove right under it, zapping a booby trap off the door.

"What the fuck?" Someone beyond the door commented, pointing at the destroyed booby trap.

"Guard the door. Heavily." Someone else commanded beyond the door, emphasising on the word "heavily". Twitch shrugged, piloting the device near the wall, to the other entrance. "I'm going to create a diversion. On my call, bust into that door alright?" She asserted softly, taking a deep breath before zapping one of the terrorists at the other entrance.

"Fuck they are coming in from here!" A terrorist shouted much farther away. None of them assumed a drone could have a taser like device. All eyes swapped to the other entrance. Twitch calmly signalled "Now", she said, pointing at the door.

A/N: yes I'm evil like that to stop right at the action muhahhahahaha. On a side note, hope you enjoyed. And if anyone noticed, i use both British and American spellings when writing cuz *shrug*

Hans Zimmer is such an amazing composer

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