#22 Pay for your sins

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*GASP* Doc jolted awake, as Capitão splashes a bucket of cold murky water on him. Rust, dust, dirt, you name it, they were all in there.

Capitão's old wrinkled hands grabs hold of Doc's chin, jerking his chin upwards to look him in the eyes.

"So, you are awake." Capitão said sacarstically, a disgusting grin displayed on his face. Doc was still confused, realising all his limbs are bound.

"Capitão what the fuck is going on? We have a mission!" An exasperated Doc forcefully shaking his bound limbs, trying to break free.

"I'm working on the mission alright? Now, answer me this one question first. Would you rather bury someone alive, or would you rather burn them alive?" Capitão asked, slowly walking to the bench behind him, his boots echoing through the container.

Doc seemed confused, he didn't know why Capitão wanted to know his opinion. Why was it important anyway? "What the heck are you talking about, both of them are inhumane!" He blurted out. He couldn't stand human suffering.

"Just answer me NOW" Capitão turned around swiftly, grabbing him by the jaw, his grip causing intense pain to Doc.

"Burning! Burning!" Doc yelled, Capitão releasing his grip on him immediately. He really wanted to get out of there at that moment. He needed Rook. He needed his warm embrace.

"Good choice." Capitão smirked, picking up a transparent Jerry can, unscrewing its lid.

"Just going to water some plants here" Capitão sinisterly commented, pouring the unknown liquid all over Doc's armor, drenching it before making a trail of it to the entrance of the container.

"Capitão, this is gasoline... Please I beg you... Please let me go..." Doc panicked, begging Capitão, tears running down his cheeks.

"You see, you are a great operator. I saw your skills in aiding." Capitão commented, picking up his crossbow while walking out.

"Then let me go right now!" Doc shouted in response, cutting Capitão off. Angry at Doc for interrupting him, he ran over to him, slapping him in the face with full force.

"Too bad you are gay" he commented yet again with that sinister voice of his, loading a napalm arrow on his crossbow, before walking out of the container.

Just as he walked out, a gun was drawn right on his temple. Several men walked out into his peripheral vision, one holding a handcuffed Caveira.

"I'm sorry brother, there were too many of them." Caveira muttered, head bowed.

"Where.. is.. he.." Rook stammered, the gun still pointed at Capitão's temple. His hands were trembling. The container was too long and dark to see Doc in it, especially when Doc was wearing dark uniform.

"Just in time to watch the show huh" he commented sarcastically again, turning around swiftly before firing a napalm bolt into the container, a huge blaze followed split seconds after.

"No... NO!" Rook shook his head, his knees buckling to the ground, kneeling. The entire team was shocked. They just lost a valuable operator. One that never judged them, one that was always there when aid was most needed. One that was, Rook's first boyfriend.


A/N: hey! I finally stopped procrastinating for a bit to write this chapter 😂. Hoped you liked it although it was pretty sad :c

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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