Chapter 1

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9:15 am
January 5th


I sat on my bed crying wanting to go home. I couldn't make a phone call and no one answered my questions at all. Kinda like I didn't even exist. My thoughts were interrupted by a young boy that looked about my age.
"What's wrong". He touched my leg and I freaked.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME". Everyone stared at me and I started feeling light headed noticing there was a needle in me.

I woke up and my legs and arms were tied to the bed. I started shaking to get out and pulling. The same boy from earlier walked over to me.
"The more you do this, the longer you stay here." He untied me.
"Why am I here please tell me I won't ask anymore."I pleaded

"No reason" I rolled my eyes becoming irritated.
"So i'm in here for no reason. One minute i'm at a party then I wake up locked up in a room." I stood up and looked out the window and I seen that I was in a hospital. Not just the regular hospital, a mental hospital. "are you my room mate." I sat back down on my bed.

"yeah what's yo' name." He said
"Kehlani parrish."
"I'm August."
"let me guess your last name is september" I laughed
"Actually Alsina" he laughed with me
"nice, why you here."I fixed myself in the bed
"I don't even know."He shrugged
"damn this is crazy asf."I rolled my eyes
"they held a nigga captive for no reason, I just got anger issues." he seemed pretty chill but I've always taught to never trust people so soon. An evil looking women came into the room with a clip board.
"Ms Parrish, doctor Anderson would like to see you"

I walked out and followed her down the hallway. It was black and filthy with drawings all over the wall. "What a perfect scary place." I whispered to myself
"what was that." the evil lady with the yellow teeth said. I just ignored her because the only person i'm really cool with right now is August. I ask myself can I even trust him. I walked in this office and it was pretty neat. "Take a seat ms Parrish." I just looked at him. "Nah i'm good, maybe if you tell me why i'm here."I said with an attitude.

"your mom said you came home from a party going crazy, cutting yourself. She said it wasn't you, and that you were always a good person and never thought you were suicidal". He put his pen down and starting typing. "BUT IM NOT SUICIDAL I LOVE LIFE IM IN COLLEGE." I yelled trying to explain myself.

"hey keep your voice down please." he looked and sounded like a really nice person why'd he want to be a doctor here."I promise i'm not please get me out of here, I don't remember doing that. I don't know maybe I got drugged" I shrugged my shoulders
"i'm putting you on antidepressants" He picked up his pen and wrote it down.

"for no reason, i'm going to college to be pathologist, how can I be suicidal. Not saying they don't have mental issues, but I love life." At that point I needed a blunt because I was stressing. "They all say that to get out of here faster."
"um no look me in the eye right now, i'm being so serious with you" He got quiet, knowing i'm right.
"alright you are dismissed." He reached to shake my hand but I didn't bother.

"FUCK YOU" I said flipping him off and leaving.
The evil lady was waiting outside for me and she grabbed me. "Bitch don't grab me, let me go back to my room."

"My job is to make sure you get there"
"You ain't even got to tell me twice" I was walking fast and had the worse attitude in a while. My bipolar was better. Of course i'll have my days, but I had a therapist, now someone probably at the party fucked that up for me."Hey what's wrong" August said. I responded back so rudely only because I didn't want to be bothered. "Look don't say shit to me right now cause hoes really got me fucked up" I didn't like being in here. It brings back memories from when my dad used to trap me in the basement for hours. He beat me and my mom.

"dad i'm sorry, I didn't mean to break your phone"
"SORRY ME ASS" He grabbed me by my neck and slammed me to be ground. I seen my mom screaming. "Omg stop it joe get off her" she repeatedly hit him but he got mad. He let me go and I gasped for air and ran upstairs as fast as I can. I tripped on the way there and as soon as I looked up my dad was looking at me. "You think you can really get away from me, well not today" He dragged me downstairs to the basement and threw me down"
"not this time baby girl" he said in a hatred way.
I Knocked on the door and banged but no one came.
"honey" my mom said
"mommy help me"
"He said if I let you out he'll beat me until i'm unconscious" she whispered
"it's fine mommy I don't want you to get hurt i'm just hungry, I love y-" before I could finish I heard my dad walking downstairs and I could tell she hurried and ran to the living room. I sat there as I heard them argue and scream.
Flashback over

"you alright" He said looking over me
"Don't scare a thug like that"
"just telling you that it's time for lunch"
"i'm fine not hungry"I said turning my body over.
"you don't have to eat just can't be in here" I got up and my legs became really numb.
"Let me help ya"he said
I grabbed his hand while he pulled me up.
"aye no touching" one of the hall techs said
"I was just helping her up dang"
"I don't care the longer you touch, hit, curse etc. You stay here an extra day." I looked at her like she was crazy."since you're new here then you will not have a day added, neither you August."
"Alright man whateva" he became annoyed.

We walked in this really small lunch room area.
"hey look it's a new twig" a caucasian girl with braids said. I ignored her and kept walking because I don't want days to add up. "hey you heard me bitch" she said bumping into me. I continued to walk asking god to let her not try me. She bumped me harder.
"Bitch" I knocked her out with one hard punch
"Ayeee" They held me down and took me back to my room and tied me to the bed, sticking a needle in me.
I slowly drifted off.

"Aye wake up you been sleep since yesterday, i'm bored" he walked and sat by me at my bed. "hey wassup my bad how long does that stuff usually last" I put my hair in a bun. "It's supposed to last 2 hours but you slept the whole night" I noticed I was actually hungry." Someone hungry come eat ma it's
time for breakfast anyway" I followed him down the hall into the room and seen the same girl and quickly passed by her. I got an orange with my oatmeal. I sat by August."What you did yesterday was savage" he laughed. "Yeah show her not to mess with me. Anyway how many days you got"
"doctor said I got 5 mo days" well lucky him
"I have another week" I felt a vibration on the table and seen a light in August pocket. "what the fuck" I whispered to myself. This nigga had a phone and I was going to use that shit tonight.
"August let me use your phone" I said waking him up
"I don't have a phone" He said groaning
"come on i'll suck your dick" I was getting irritated.
"nah you don't have to do all that, give me one reason why" He sat up.
"cause I need to let my mom know that it was a mistake" I said whining
"fine yes be quiet okay" I grabbed his phone and took it to my bed and got under the cover turning the brightness down. I dialed my momma number.
"mama get me out of here it's been a mistake"
"honey you are there to get help."
"no i'm not suicidal at all momma someone might've drugged me."
"no you just saying that good night love i'm coming to visit you tomorrow" She hung up the phone.
"how was it" He asked getting the phone.
"I don't care anymore bruh, she thinks i'm dumb." Tears started falling down my face. "it's okay you're going to get through this, no fighting, make sure you take what they give you" UGHH WHYY..,

I stayed up the whole night thinking about how my mom can do this. She knew me better than anyone else did. My sister Sawyer moved away not too long ago. Now i'm stuck here. I started to see the sun from the window. I walked over to August bed.
"wake up it's 7 " I pushed him over
"aye bro i'm sleep its too early" He said waving me off "come on you know i hate sitting at the table alone" I grabbed his hand
"alright man I'm up" He slid on his shoes and began to get up. We walked down to the cafeteria area and we got there first."you know what that mean aug dog" He replied back with a hell yeah and we got the good food that ran out fast. People began to start coming in and we were eating it up."you know you remind me of a sexy ass lesbian "he said laughing.
"man and you look like your name is December" we both started laughing." Man fuck allat your nickname for me going to be tsunami"
"Cause I make these bitches wet" We both started laughing and everyone started look our way.

How did y'all like this. I hate that it's going to be going by slow but that's how it is. I'm going to take my time with the characters and i'll give August a pov 😉. MAYBE

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