Chapter 7

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As we loaded off the plane I felt like all stress was away from me and I can feel better here.
"Let me get your bag."August said. This whole plane trip with August was great, we talked played, and he tried to kiss my neck but I didn't let him.
"Honey where would we be staying." Mom asked August.
"my moms she said she was looking forward to meeting you guys."
"Okay." Was all she said.

We pulled up to this cute little 2 story house. The porch light was on. As we got out of the uber I seen August grab a key from pocket.

We walked up to the porch August unlocked it.
I walked in smelling the wonderful cookie smell. It was now 6:00 am in the morning. We landed at 5:15 am because the time was different in l.a and here. They are two hours ahead here. The house was quiet and I seen a small dog run up to me. I squared to the dogs height.
"Hi bay you are so cute." The dog waved its tail and licked my fingers.
"August girl or boy."
"Girl her name is lelani."
"oh that's about close to my name." I picked her up.
"Yeah my momma been having that dog since I was a freshman in high school she's kinda old. Come on let me show you to your room." He said to my aunt. I put the dog down following august up the stairs.

He showed my mom her room and she got settled in and I had no choice but to sleep with him of course. I took of my shoes putting them up. I took off my pants and put on shorts and laid in the bed.

"I'm going to sleep." I turned on my side. Next few minutes later I feel August laying next to me with his arms around my waist.

"August stop I'm confused right now I don't know if i'm ready to be with another guy." I removed his hands.

"Alright I'll stop now okay but can I ate least touch that pussy one more time."
"Noo." I said getting irritated.
"come on one more time please and I won't touch it again until you want me to."
"Fine hurry up, it's sad that we are doing this in your mothers house." I sighed..

He slowly moved his hand in my underwear.
"I thought you weren't wet" He whispered in my ear driving me crazy. "It's a tsunami down here again." I tried to hold back my moans and not showing an emotion at all. Wasn't going to work. He took off my underwear and made his way out the bed to lock his door.
He took the covers off of me and started kissing my stomach.
"Why are you doing this to me."
He finally reached my area making me arch my back by the warm ness of his breath on my clit.
It felt good but it was so wrong.

"Okay stop August I can't do this im not ready okay." I picked up my underwear going into the bathroom. Although I wanted him to finish but not now. Not until I found myself. We haven't even kissed yet. Usually it starts by kissing but now it's starting by him licking me up and down. Wow..

I laid in my bed thinking whatever this nigga did to her in the past really fucked her up plus her dad. She came out the bathroom laying back down but this time she laid really close to me. "I'm sorry for moving so fast you just are so beautiful." I whispered.
"It's fine i'm just not ready yet you know all the stuff he did to me and my supposed to be dad did i'm over men. I do know you are different but you gotta show me." With that she fell asleep.

I woke up not seeing kehlani next to me. I got up and took a shower and after brushing my teeth. I put on some shorts and a white shirt. I heard laughing downstairs.
"Look who then woke up." My momma said.
"hey momma I missed you." I said hugging her
"I missed you too baby, I was just talking to Kehlini and her mom Krystal."
"Actually mom it's kehlani. Just call her lani."
"Oh i'm sorry baby, but I got you some breakfast in the microwave baby."
"Good morning tsunami." She signed.
"morning." She said dryly.
"what's wrong."
"Nothing August, I don't want to be bothered okay I'm tired."
"Okay but you can always talk to me keh."
"Yeah I know." She walked away.


I laid in August's bed thinking about the men that ruined me in my life. I want to trust August but it's just too early for us to be getting in a relationship. I don't know if he'll ever put his hands on me. What if I make him mad? Thoughts started running through my head and I stood up and the room was dizzy.

All i've been through I don't know if i can handle another relationship, but August makes me feel different. He makes me feel wanted.

Can I ever be sure though? He could switch up. My ex did the same thing to me. He had me thinking that he was good guy, but as I got to know him he would beat me, rape me, treat me bad call me fat and ugly.

"Baby why are you crying." I didn't even notice I was crying.
"Mom I can't take this anymore." I stood up and cried.
"What is it baby." She said sitting me down on the bed.
"momma I don't know if I can trust another man or a relationship." I cried harder in her arm.
"I know you don't fully know August yet, but I know he is a great guy. He did this for you, he got all of us plane tickets to get away from that crazy man. He must really care for you."
"You know momma you right can I ask you something?"
"I got a answer."
"What did you mean when you said you wouldn't do anything to hurt me." She sighed
"i'm going to protect you the best I can from joe." She hesitated.
"oh okay."
"Get some rest baby." She kissed my forehead and stood up leaving. With that I took a nap.

New orleans ?
August wanting kehlani?
kehlani is confused?
what does her mother mean ?

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