Chapter 17

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I walked in the church seeing very little people attending the funeral. I dressed in a black tux so did every other man here.

I looked at her beautiful body.
"Imma miss you babeh girl." I kissed her lifeless lips.

Sawyer broke out crying. I sat next to her hugging her.
"it's going to be okay." Chance both said to us. I broke down with her also.
"It's my fault man it's my fault."I put my head in my hands.
"It's not your fault, whoever killed Kehlani we will find them and kill them." The preacher started talking about how good she was. Saying she was a helpful little girl when she was little.
"Kehlani parrish we'll miss you. Your beautiful voice in the choir stays inside of us. We love you baby girl." The preachers wife said while crying. My phone started ringing and everyone looked at me. It said unknown. It kept ringing.

I raised up with sweat all over my face. "Hello."I spoke in the phone.
I hung up and put on any clothes that were laying around. I had a bad dream and it wasn't going to be true today. I rushed down the streets of L.A.

I got to the hospital running right to her room seeing, janet, sawyer, chance, and sean.
"Man she's about to go." Chance said. I walked over to her.
"God you have to wake my babeh up, she's the one for me. I don't pray much lord but if you just wake my babeh up, i'll start going to church and praying more lord. Heavenly father shoved I ask you please, give her another chance lord, in jesus name we pray amen." Everyone said amen as the nurse walked in with the doctor.
"Okay are you guys ready."I looked at her and seen no sign of movement. I started to cry.
"No wait." I looked at her arm moving.
"Thank you god." I smiled.
"Sir we have to she's not breathing on her arm."
"She just moved her arm i'm not imagining things am I."
"You aren't imagining." A silent voice said.
"Babeh you woke." She tried to sit up.
"Owww, my back what the fuck happen." Her voice was scratchy.
"I'll tell you later i'm glad you are breathing on your own."
"Very lucky girl." the doctor said.
"i'm proud of you August." Sawyer came and stood next to me.
"Thank you jesus." Kehlani was too weak to try to speak. She couldn't even raise up.
"I'm so sore and my throat hurt damn." She whispered. They put a tube down her throat, so it's painful.
"Well since she is awake, she'll have to stay here for a couple of days to see if she's fully okay to go home. When she goes home she have to stay in bed for 2 weeks."
"But I have to graduate."
"Don't worry  about that right now tsunami worry about getting better." She nodded.

"Why didn't you just kill the bitch." I yelled at my body guards.
"Sir we shot her, word around she woke up from her life support." I shook my head and slammed my hand on the table.
"You find that bitch ass boyfriend of hers, and Kehlani, bring them back to me or you'll die." They shook their head.
"So Krystal." I yanked her arm.
"Why did you do that to her." She cried.
"Isn't that what you wanted baby."
"No joe I never wanted to hurt her like this not like this." She hit my chest and I grabbed her hands.
"You know that little bitch is insane."
"Fuck you jo-."She walked away.
"Leave now and don't come back, You were the one that poisoned her, you were the one that sent her to the mental hospital, you wanted to get revenge because she had a nice life and you were jealous." I spoke truthfully.
"Joe, you know at least I didn't beat and rape her like you did, you were just as bad so don't even." She sighed.
"Leave me or I'll expose all of your shit to her." I pulled her back and she sat on the couch.
"I can't believe this, my baby almost died."She started to cry.
"for crying out loud krystal she drugged me with anesthetic medicine, I just came from the hospital, cut the shit. Your poor baby wouldn't be hurt if she didn't do what I said and just went with the flow." I yelled and she flinched.

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