Chapter 22

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Sawyer pov
"Come on janet lets go get up." She woke up not saying a word.

I walked right in the house which is weird because the door is always locked. I heard screaming from down the hall.

Me and janet look to see nothing but August holding kehlani wrist.
"Well are you just going to stand there or call 9-11." I dialed them fast telling them what was going on.
"She is bleeding from her veins." He cried.
"August they are on their way calm okay." he cried.
"BE CALM? For god sake you aren't even crying about your own sister. SHE DYING."
"Well if it wasn't for you not believing her then wouldn't be in this predicament." I stared at him and he looked at me evil.
"Look August i'm so-."
"Save it sawyer save it." I got quiet and all you hear is sirens.

They grabbed her and put her on the stretcher. She was unconscious.
"She's still breathing but loosing a lot of blood we have to hurry." They rushed her out.
"We have to go NOW." August said pulling me and janet into the car following the ambulance.

I prayed my sister was okay whatever is bothering her needs to stop. We'll get her help.

"Don't speak to me right now."We pulled up hurrying to get out.
"August wait."
"What."He screamed.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what." He yelled and I grabbed his hand.
"I'm sorry for acting nonchalant." He stared at me and I put my lips against his and he didn't kiss me back.
"What the fuck Sawyer." He said wiping his lips.
"I'm so-o-sorry." A tear fell down my face.
"Don't even talk to me anymore thot." He drop his hands from my mine.

I watched how sawyer pushed herself on August and I was honestly pissed. Why would she do that to her on sister.

I walked in the waiting room with august.
"August you alright."I asked
"Nah man."He shook his head.
"Look I seen the whole thing with-."
"She kissed me." He became hostile.
"August I know why would she do something like that, she ever showed she liked you before."
"Nah. I'm worried about keh. Did you call chance."
"Yeah he's on his way." He looked at me and his eyes started to water.
"What if she isn't okay."I hugged him
"even though I haven't knew her long but she's strong, she's staying here. She has 9 lives." He smiled.
"I'm glad you have sense."Sawyer walked in with a red face and she looked like she's been crying for months straight.
"I'm sorry." She lip said. I turned my head and didn't pay her any mind. That made her cry even more.

I got irritated from the wait. So I stood up going to the desk.
"Is kehlani parrish awake." The lady typed.
"Ma'am they have her awake but they are doing test so they'll come back in just a second." I slightly smiled and walked back, telling everyone she was awake.
"Thank god." Sawyer said. I rolled my eyes and she started to cry again. I don't know why she's being emotional over someone rolling their eyes.


"Ma'am you okay."
"mmhm." My head was bobbing as I opened my eyes noticing I was in a hospital.
"What." I tried to raise up, but got pushed back down.
"Where's august."
"I don't know who August is but there's people waiting for you i'll go get them."
I nodded and waited for what seem like forever. I started to fall asleep but there was a small knock on the door.
"Hey baby." August came over and hugged me. "You okay."
"Yeah I'm fine." I smiled.
"Why did you try to kill yourself don't ever."
"August I didn't do that, Joe did."
"He- he he got the knife quickly slit my vein in my arm. He was real I could touch him."
"Babeh we'll get you help I promise."I rolled my eyes.
"Get out." I pointed to the door.
"Listen I promise."
"No get out." He stood up and walked towards the door looking at me before leaving.

I talked to janet and she was definitely agreeing with what I was saying. I was definitely being stalked.
"Janet why is sawyer so quiet."
"I don't know. Sawyer come speak to your sister." She shook her head.
"I'm sorry I can't." The tears fell and she ran out the room.
"What the fuck was that all about."
"I don't know but she needs to get it together."
"Mmmhmm." We talked for a little bit more but I soon drifted away to sleep.

I woke up with someone kissing all over my face.
"What the fuck."
"Babeh get up you're going home." He kissed me on the lips again.
"Do that again." We made out for a good 3 minutes. I finally pulled away.
"The doctor is coming to give your release papers."
"Yes i'm glad i'm leaving I won't be in any hospital for a while."
"Good." He smiled.


"Sawyer get it together she's coming home okay." I sat next to her on the couch.
"I can't believe I did what I did, she'll never forget me after that."
"I don't want you and chance to break up but you have to tell Kehlani that's your sister." She started weeping again and again. The front door open.

"Hey Keh." I ran to hug her gentle.
"Hey J. I'm glad to be out of there even though I was just there since last night.
"Yeah. So I was watching TMZ and you're on thereeeeee."
"What for real nah you playing." She started to jump everywhere.
"I'm for real." She came and hugged me. Janet and August mugged each other and she rolled her eyes. Hoping kehlani didn't catch that so I pulled her away to the kitchen.
"so you find out what's wrong with Sawyer."
"She needs to tell you her self because she needs to apologize. I don't even know if you'll forgive her after what she is going to say." She left and I grabbed her hand.
"Don't hit her please."
"If she even tells me." She walked back out the kitchen. Sean came strolling in minutes later.

"Aye wassup what's yo name again?" He bit his lip.
"It's janet." I shook his hand.
"Nice." I turned around  looking in the sink to ignore the awkwardness.
"You think imma let you slide. He whispered in my ear. He put his hands on my waist.
"Don't be acting shy ma." He grabbed my petite ass and walked away.
"Wow." I blushed.
"So why I just seen everything that just happened." Keh laughed
"Creep." I threw a napkin at her.
"She won't talk so i'll give her a break for now." I eyed her and laughed.


I laid in my bed writing songs to finish up the album.
August came and started kissing my neck.
"mm stop im finishing songs."
I watched as he gave me a hickey before pulling away.

Last was a rough night but i'm glad i'm alive although joe is wrong for cutting me.

sorry for any mistakes

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