Part 2

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Kendall's P.O.V.

After I took Kayla to school, I drove to Paramount Studios. When I got to work, I saw Carlos, James and Logan in the studio.

Kendall:Hey guys.

Carlos:Hey Kendall, hows it going?

Kendall:Good? (I said a little unsure)

Logan:You and Aubrey arguing again?

I nodded.

James:Why do you guys argue all the time?

Kendall:I guess that's how we love each other and the make-up sex is awesome!

Logan:Uh hello nasty, were still here.

I laughed.

Kendall:Sorry it's just great.

Carlos:So, are we still on for the movie night tomorrow?

Kendall:That's only if my wife doesn't have to work.

James:Aw come on Kendall you know she'll be there. (He reassured me)

Kendall:Ok. (I shrugged)

Your P.O.V.

I was on the phone talking to a client about the case I was working on.

You:Yes.....yes... send the papers to Jenna and she'll fill them out for you and everything should go great from there......yes....thank you..goodbye.

I sat down at my desk and a couple came in.

You:Hi. Welcome to California Law Informant, my name is Aubrey, how can I help you?

Girl:Hi. I would like to ask for a prenup.

You:Is this for you or him?

Guy:It's for her.

You:May I ask why she is getting a prenup?

Guy:She ain't getting none of my money when we divorse. (He says sternly)

I looked at the girl and she just looked down. If he really loved her he would let her get half on what they share even if they do divorse.

You:Alright let me call Jenna and she'll send the papers down.

I got on the phone and called her and told her to send the papers and she did. After the couple left, my boss Larry came in. I didn't like my boss that much because he always trys to flirt with me when he knows I'm married.

Larry:Hi Aubrey. I see your doing good with the couples that comes in.

You:I try to do my best.

Larry:Listen, I know I told you to stay till 12 but it seems that you are stressed and I want to give you an early day today to go back to your......husband. (He says whispering the word husband)

You:Um thank you.. so, how long do you want me to stay?

Larry:You can leave now thanks.

I left and went to the store. I almost forgot about the groceries but I didn't, thank god. When I got home, Kendall was still gone and it was almost time to pick up Kayla. I called Kendall but it wasn't him that answered....

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