Part 7

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Your P.O.V.

Kendall answered the phone and I was just laying in bed, dreaming away until he started talking and interupped my dreaming.

Kendall:Babe the principal called and told me that Kayla was standing outside waiting for us but no one came so I'm going to get her.

I nodded then looked at the clock. It said 3:18pm. Shit, I didn't know we went that long. Since I was gonna be in the house all day until I get a job or if I even want a job, I decided to look around and clean up. I got up and took a shower, then got dressed ( I walked around and picked up a few things that was around the house then I came across my wedding picture of me and Kendall kissing. It was the best day of my life. I remember it like yesterday.

*Flashback to wedding day*

You:I'm really nervous Ali.

I say to my aunt. She flew all the way from Detroit to L.A. to see my wedding.

Ali:That's just your reaction talking. You are beautiful and Kendall is gonna love you. (She says as she gives me a hug) Now I have to take my seat, your up.

I looked in the mirror one more time ( and as the music played I walked out.

*End of wedding flashback*

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the key to the door being unlocked and in came Kendall and Kayla.

You:Hey baby.

Kayla:Hi mommy.

She took her bookbag and went in her room.

Kendall:Tonight is gonna be amazing. (He smiled coming up to me)

3 hours later Kayla was at my neighbor's house while me and Kendall was getting ready to go to Carlos' house.

Kendall:Will you hurry up, we gotta be there in 10 minutes! (He yelled upstairs for me)

You:I'm coming damn it! (I yelled back putting on my earring)

( I walked down and we were on our way. When we got there Logan, James and Carlos was laughing.

James:Look who finally decided to show up. (He says smirking)

Kendall:We would of been here sooner if somebody wasn't taking forever to decide what to wear. (He says looking directly at me)

You:Don't blame it all on me because I want to look a certain way.

Then we both started arguing, we were yelling over eachother and the guys were looking at us like we were crazy.

Logan:You see what you started?! (Logan said to James)

Carlos:Hey, Hey everybody calm down we just came for a good time right? (He says looking at all of us especially me and Kendall)

You:Alright I'm sorry ok.

Kendall:I'm sorry too. (He says giving me a kiss)

Logan:You guys are weird.

I just looked at him.....

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