Part 18

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Kendall's P.O.V.

Aubrey kept so many secrects from me and she was suppose to be my wife. I went home and packed my stuff and went to James house.

James:Man, I'm sorry that all of this happened. (He said after I just got through telling him what happened)

Kendall:I want to find my daughter and I'm gonna need your help.

James:But what about Aubrey?

Kendall:She's at the hospital and all that is on my mind is Kayla, so can you help me or not?

James:Of course, what do you need me to do?

Your P.O.V.

After Kendall left, I wanted to be alone.

Detective:We are gonna take this information and see what we can do with it. (He said then got up and left)

I checked myself out the hospital and went home. As I walked in, I saw Kendall's stuff  gone. I just sat there and thought about everything that was happening and everything wasn't going right at all. I miss Kendall and I really miss my daughter. I got in the shower, then got dressed in something comfortable. ( I was gonna get my daughter back no matter what. I wore the mask so who ever has Kayla don't know it's me. I went to the store and got 2 nine guns. I put them in my two pouches by my hips, then I got a sniper and I put it on my back. People were looking at me crazy as I walked down the street from my house but I didn't care. My daughter was on my mind and I was determined to get her back. I walked to the garage and got on my motorcycle ( then drove to where ever I can get any leads. John's house is first.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I got on the phone and had a talk with the detective. He told me, from the information he got from us, they were gonna check the two houses Aubrey told them about and if not there, they were gonna talk to Aubrey to know all the people she knows who can be a possiblilty. I thanked him and I told the guys what he said.

Logan:Ok were gonna be your back up.

Carlos:Which house are you going to first?

Kendall:I'm going to John's house, Aubrey's ex.

James:Do you know where he lives?

Kendall:Yes, the detective gave me the address since I was so determined to find Kayla......

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