Part 10

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Kendall's P.O.V.

After work, me and the guys went to the club. I wasn't here to talk to any girls, I just came for drink and a good time with the guys.

James:I'm about to talk to that chick. (James whispered to me looking at the girl with two braids in her hair)

Kendall:Good Luck. (I yelled over the music)

He nodded and left. I turned around and picked up a drink but then again I wanted to see my daughter and my wife so I told the guys I was leaving. hough they didn't want me to go, I left anyway. When I got home something didn't seem right.

Your P.O.V.

I got up and put the funiture back where it was because it was all over the place. I couldn't help but feel guilty and think that I cheated on Kendall. Even though that wasn't what it was, I still felt that way. I was depressed and I wanted to be alone until I heard the door unlock again and this time I was beyond scared. What if it's Larry again? I asked myself. I calmed down when I saw it was Kendall.

Kendall:Hey babe.

I didn't say anything, I was afraid that if I said something, my voice would crack and I would either break down or blurt out what happened so I just kept quiet and waved. He came up to me and tried to give me a kiss but I backed away slowly and sat on the couch.

Kendall:What's wrong?

I shook my head nothing but he kept wanting me to talk, I just couldn't.

Kendall:This isn't like you, your usually talking and arguing with me for no reason. (He said smirking)

After what just happened to me, smiling was out of the question and I didn't have the courage to tell Kendall what happened. But what did come out made me even more sad and Kendall looking questionable and angry at the same time.

You:I CHEATED!! (I blurted out and started crying)....

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