Part 20

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Kayla's P.O.V.

I was sleep trying not to dream because everytime I dream, I dream about my parents and being home and it always makes me cry to think that I might not see them again. Until I heard someone slam the door open and someone dragged me out and sat me down. I felt someone tieing my hands to the chair. I really didn't want to open my eyes because I was too tired but I also wanted to see who was out there, so I halfway opened my eye and saw a guy I never seen before standing over me. I was scared and I wanted to talk but nothing came out my mouth. Then I overheard their conversation.

???:Dude why do you have a child tied up?

???:Because I want to, but keep talking and you'll be next.

???:But Larry listen, I know your mad just please hear us out.

Larry, Larry. That name sounded so familiar and I couldn't put who he was in my mind but I needed to keep trying.

Larry:Fuck all that Dylan you know excally why I did this so no questions asked.

I finally opened my eyes all the way and pretended I didn't hear anything.

Larry:Oh look who finally woke up. (He says smiling devious)

Your P.O.V.

Wait! (Kendall says getting out the car)


Kendall:Where are you going?

You:Meet me at this place. (I said giving him a address)

Before he had a chance to say anything I started up my motorcylce and drove off. I just hope he meets me because I would be feeling really stupid if he didn't.

Kendall's P.O.V.

Kendall:Can you guys take me here?

James:Yeah sure, let's go.

As I thought and thought and thought about what she could possibly want I just gave up, because I would just have to find out. When they pulled up, it was a abandoned building. Why would she want to see me in here? I asked myself.

Kendall:Can you guys wait for me outside?

They nodded.

I walked in and saw Aubrey sitting down on a couch.

Kendall:Why did you want me to come here?

You:Because this is where I come when I need to think or change. Come here. (She says not turning around)

I awkwardly walked over there and sat down. When she looked at me she didn't have on the mask and I could see her beautiful face.

You:I see you still have on your wedding ring.

Kendall:That's because I'm so used to wearing it I forgot it was on my finger. (I say lying)

You:Kendall, you and I both know that's not true.

Kendall:Ok fine, I wear it because I still love you. (I say looking at her with sympathy)

You:I love you too, I never stopped.

Kendall:So where's your ring?

She started taking off her glove and then I saw it on her finger.

You:Kendall can we please not let this tear us apart?

I looked away. Then I felt her grab my hand.

You:I know I did wrong but we all are not perfect, and I know we are gonna get Kayla back.

Before I had a chance to answer, my phone rung. I put my finger up and walked to the other side of the room and answered. I didn't even look at the caller I.D.


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