Part 22 (Last Part)

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Finally the doctor came out and we all jumped up at the same time.

Doctor:Carlos has survived the bullet and he will be ok. We just need to keep him for a couple of days.

You:And Kayla?

Doctor:We did all we can to clean her bruises and they will heal in a couple of days also.

Kendall:Can we see them?

Doctor:Sure follow me.

We all followed and we saw Carlos and Kayla woke and talking.

You:How are you both?

Good. (They both said at the same time)

I laughed a bit.

Kendall:It's good to see you both doing good.

Carlos:Don't worry guys I'm fine.

Kayla:Daddy were you crying?

Kendall:Yes, I was but now that I see you are ok these are happy tears.

James:I swear Carlos I thought you died.

Carlos:Well here I am. (He says grinning)

We all visited Carlos and Kayla until they got out the hospital and everything was back to normal. Also me and Kendall never got a divorse, actually everything was better, me and Kendall are loving eachother even more and Kayla has been by our sight 24/7. No ones gonna take away my family. They are my everything.

The End

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