Part 16

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Kendall's P.O.V.

The detective looked at us with a sad face and I kind of got scared.

You:Any leads on finding Kayla?

Detective:Mrs.Schmidt, we have some questions we want to ask you.


Detective:We believe that someone from your past has something to do with the kidnapping. Do you remember John Racks?

Your P.O.V.

As soon as he said his name, I got wide eyes. I didn't tell Kendall about my past relationships.

You:Can we discuse this in private?

Kendall:No we're gonna discuse this right now! (Kendall butted in mad)

You:Yes, I remember him. But what does this have to do with finding Kayla? (I asked)

Detective:And why did you file a police report on him in 2006? (He says ignoring my question)

I looked over at Kendall and he was looking at me hard, waiting for a reponse.

You:The reason I pressed charges on him was because he tried to get me to sell drugs for him. BUT WHAT DOES THIS HAVE TO DO WITH FINDING MY DAUGHTER?! (I asked again yelling)

I looked at him and he wrote down some stuff then looked back at me.

Dectective:Ok tell me about Larry Brown.

Kayla's P.O.V.

I was in a dark place. I didn't know where I was then I felt something come off my head and I saw a man that looked some sort familiar.

???:Hi there little BRAT! (He yelled)

Kayla:My daddy will come after you and find me. (I said with hope)

???:Oh no sweetheart, if your dad don't come in about 10 days then you will die and they will die. (He says getting in my face)

I bit his nose and tried to run but he caught me and I screamed.


???:It's ok, your gonna be in here until I feel like getting you out. (He said then threw me in a closet)

I screamed, kicked and banged on the door that wouldn't open. After a while, I just gave up and sat there and cried.

Kayla:Please mommy or daddy, please come get me........

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