Part 4

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Your P.O.V.

We were gonna have fun today and nobody was gonna mess up the good time I was gonna have with my daughter.

Kayla:Mommy? (She says interuping my thoughts)

You:Yeah sweetheart?

Kayla:Where are we going today?

You:We're going to the park and the last thing is a surprise.

Kayla:REALLY?! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT IS! (She says excited)

You:Yup but I can't tell you or it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?

Kayla:Ok mommy.

We got to the park and we swung on the swings, she slid down on the slide and we were just having fun until I felt I was being watched so I cut the trip to the park short.

You:Come on baby it's time for your surprise. (I said with a big smile)

She got the biggest smile on her face and started running to the car. I ran after her because I didn't trust the outside and the fact I felt I was being watched. When we got in the car, I had to let her know not to go away from me when we're outside. She understood and said she won't do it again. Then we headed off to her favorite restaurant, Dairy Queen.


I laughed.

You:I love you too.

Kendall's P.O.V.

When I got home, it was 9pm and I saw Aubrey on the couch watching tv and it look like she was about to fall asleep. I walked over to her.

Kendall:Hey babe, why haven't you fallen asleep yet?

You:Because I waited up for you to come home. (She says sleeply)

Kendall:Babe, I told you not to do that.

You:Listen, I don't want to argue with you tonight, dinner's in the microwave.


I walked over to the microwave and saw she made spaghetti, my favorite. I took it out and walked back over to her and sat down on the couch next to her and gave her a passionate kiss.

You:What was that for?

Kendall:Because I love you. (I say smiling)

You:I love you too. Well, I'm gonna get some sleep.

Kendall:Wait, tell me how your day went.

You:Well, after I told you I got home early, I went and got Kayla and took her to the park but I got a feeling I was being watched and...

Kendall:Hold on being watched? (I say cutting her off)

You:Yeah, so I took her to her favorite restaurant and...


You:I PROMISED HER A SURPRISE! (She shouted back)

I was about to say something until she got up and walked away.

Kendall:Where are you going?

You:I don't want to argue and right now, your aggravating the hell out of me. But like I said, I took her to her favorite restaurant and after we got done with our shakes, we came home now good night. (She says calmly and walking to the bedroom)

I just sighed and walked after her.......

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