Part 8

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Your P.O.V.

You:Don't hate on the power of love. (I say in a teasing voice and grabbing Kendall's hand)

He just threw his hands up in defeat.

We all watched a movie, told jokes and even had pillow fights. Everything was fun and I didn't want it to end but it was around midnight.

Kendall:Babe, you wanna go home?

You:Not really but if your tired we can go. Are you tired?

Kendall:Yeah let's go.

We got up, said bye to the guys and left.

You:Let me drive, I don't want you falling asleep while we're on the road.

Kendall:No, no I'm ok to drive.

You:No your not, you look like your about to collaspe any minute.

Kendall:Alright, here. (He says giving me the keys)

When we got home, Kendall was already sleep and I didn't feel like waking him up so I got out from my side, opened his side and tried to pick him up but he was heavy. Damn Kendall what have you been eating? I asked under my breath. But I managed to get him and take him upstairs. I threw him on the bed and he just turned over.


I got into my pjs and went back downstairs and checked Kayla's room. She was sound asleep in her bed. I closed the door and went back upstairs and got in bed with Kendall.

The next morning, I heard the alarm going off. I woke up and I saw Kendall getting up.



You:I'm gonna make you breakfast before you leave ok?


I got up and went downstairs. I made eggs and toast then sat two plates at the table.


I jumped and turned around.

You:Hey baby when did you get home?

Kayla:Ms.Lake said since I was sleep, she brought me home at 11pm because she didn't know what time you will be home.

You:How did she get in?

Kayla:She said she got the key from under the mat and once she layed me down, she walked out and put it back under there.

You:Oh you have good memory, you dressed for school?

Kayla:No, it's only 5am.

You:Well eat your breakfast and watch a little tv till 7 ok?

Kayla:Alright. (She says taking her plate and back to her room)

Kendall's P.O.V.

I walked downstairs and saw Aubrey watching tv.

You:You want me to take Kayla to school?

Kendall:Yes please.


I ate most of the food on the plate because I had no time to eat the whole thing.

Kendall:Bye babe see you at 9.

You:Bye. (She called out)

I got in the car and rushed to Paramount Studios.......

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