Part 19

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Your P.O.V.

John lived on the west side of California and I was on my way to his house. I stopped and looked at my phone, the map told me I was going the right way so I wasn't gonna stop until I got there. When I finally pulled up, I parked my motorcycle in an indoor parking lot, a few blocks away. The streets of this side of California was quiet and I was gonna go in there quietly but I heard footsteps coming my way. I pulled my 9 out my pouch and turned around and pointed it at the person walking up to me but put it down once I saw who it was.



You:Yeah, what are you doing here?

Kendall:I'm here to find out where my daughter is.

You:Same here.

There was a awkward silence until he said something.

Kendall:We are not suspose to see eachother you know. (He said looking away from me)

I didn't want to get into it with him so I just said what I needed to say to him.

You:Look, if we want to find our daughter we are gonna have to work together and set our problems aside.

He nodded then he started walking in front of me. I walked with him.

Kendall:So why do you have a mask?

You:Because I don't want people to know it's me and so they won't see my face.

He nodded again and we headed to his house.

You:Can you be my back up?

Kendall:Sure, yeah that's safe. (He says sarcastically)

Obviously he hasn't seen my guns on each side of me. I took my gun out and showed him.

You:Yeah it's safe, now come on. (I said while putting my gun back in my pouch)

I walked to his house and signaled for Kendall to wait on the side. I threw Kendall the other gun before i knocked on the door.
Kendall:What's this?

You:Backup protection. (I whispered to him as I knocked)

I knocked on his door and he answered.

John:Who are you?

You:Don't worry about that. Your gonna answer some questions for me. (I said pulling my gun on him and pushing him in the door)

Kendall's P.O.V.

As I watched her pull out her gun on John, I thought I am married to a manicak. I laughed at how stupid that sounded until I saw James pull up with the guys. They looked at me weird. I walked up to the car and they all asked at the same time.

All:Why does she have a gun? And a mask? (Carlos added) and you too? (James added too as he saw the gun in my hand)

Kendall:Because she doesn't want anyone to know it's her and because she wants to get rid of whoever has our daughter. But right now we want to find any leads on who he knows.

Logan:So why arn't you in there?

Kendall:I'm her backup. (I said with a sigh putting the gun in my back pocket)

Your P.O.V.

John:Why are you doing this? (He asked frightened)

You:Do you know who Kayla Schmidt is?

John:Yeah. That's my ex girlfriends daughter.

You:And what else do you know about her?

John:That she was kidnapped yesterday.

You:Tell me John, who is Larry Brown?

John:How do you know my name?

You:Answer the question. (I said pushing my gun on his head)

John:He is suppose to be this guy who rapes girls for babys because he's a pervert.

I got up and held my gun tight.

You:Where does he live?

John:I don't know.

I smacked him and asked again.

You:WHERE DOES HE LIVE?! (I yelled)

John:I DON'T KNOW!! (He yelled back)

You:Bad move.

Was the last thing I said before I knocked him out with a bullet in his leg.

I walked out and saw Kendall and the guys in the car.

You:I'll be right behind you. Let's go.......

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