Part 11

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Your P.O.V.

Kendall:WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CHEATED?! (He yelled sternly)

You:I...cheated...I...cheated. (I said in between sobs)

Knowing being raped and cheating are kind of two different things, I felt like it was all my fault. As Kendall kept yellling at me, I wanted it to all go away.


At mist of everything that floated in mind of what happened, I just passed out.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I kept trying to understand why she cheated or why she wouldn't answer me. It's like she was blocking me out or something but then all of a sudden she passed out. I quickly picked her up and drove her to the hospital. What is going on with her? Why did she cheat? Who did she cheat with? So many questions were going through my head and I wanted to find out what was going on. A few hours later the doctors told me they need to run some test on her and I can see her. As I looked at her in the hospital bed, she looked stressed and depressed. I felt bad that I yelled at her. I just wish this wasn't happening. I grabbed her hand and sat by her bed and started talking.

Kendall:Aubrey, when ever you wake up, I hope we can solve this and please help me to understand. No matter what, I will always love you. (I said putting my head down)

Your P.O.V.

As I explored a world of darkness, I finally came to the light and the stress pilled back on me. The reason I didn't tell Kendall what happened was because I didn't think he would understand and I just wish one day I will have the courage to tell him. I opened my eyes and saw Kendall holding my hand with his head down.

You:Kendall? (I whispered)

He looked at me with tears but all that came out my mouth was

You:I'm sorry. (I whispered again)

Kendall:Please help me to understand. When did this happen?

I stayed quiet. I don't know what it was that was holding me back from coming clean.

Kendall:(Sigh) Who was the other person you cheated with?

I stayed quiet again, all these questions were bringing back the pain I felt when it was happening. Then he got up and left without a word left to say to me. I just started to cry again.........

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