Part 21

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Kayla's P.O.V.

Larry got up and left right after he got done beating me up and told Dylan to finish but he didn't he just kept talking.

Dylan:I'm so sorry I didn't help, Larry shouldn't be doing this just because your mom lost his baby.

I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to lay down and die.

Dylan:Come on I'm going to get you out of here.

He untied my hands and picked me up.

Dylan:You have to listen to these instructions carefully. You have to run out of here and run and run until you can't run anymore. Go, Go!

I got up and ran out the house and just ran. I didn't know where I was going because I never went outside the house on my own, but I listened to Dylan and just kept running.

Larry's P.O.V.

I came out and saw Dylan sitting down and Kayla was gone. I was angry.


Dylan:I don't know, I think she escaped.

Larry:How could she have escape if I put you in charge of her and she's only 5?

He looked around like he was trying to figure something out.

Larry:Well guess what? It's your fault she got away! (I said putting my gun up to him and pulling the trigger)

I ran out the house after I made sure he was dead and looked all around until I saw her running in front of a abanding building. I ran up to her and caught her. She was screaming and yelling and kicking. I put her down and held the gun up to her head. But all of a sudden I saw 3 guys running up to me. I shot one of them and held her by her hair. They stopped and kneeled down to the boy. I grabbed one of their phones and called her daddy.


Your P.O.V.

Kendall:ON MY WAY! (He yelled) SOMEONE HAS OUR DAUGHTER OUTSIDE! (He said fast and running out there)

I ran after him and once we got outside, I saw Carlos was shot and Larry holding Kayla by her hair and a gun up to her head. I grabbed my sniper and aimed at his head and shot, then he fell to the ground. I dropped the gun and ran up to Kayla and hugged her, I pulled her back and looked at her face and saw she had bruises.

You:Kayla I'm so happy your ok! (I said picking her up and running over to Carlos)


I gave Kayla to Kendall and he hugged her tight.

Kendall:I love you Kayla.

Kayla:I love you too mommy and daddy! (She says crying)

About 10 minutes later, the ambulance pulled up and put Carlos in a strecher, and they put Kayla in next to him. Logan, James, and Kendall got in the car and followed them to the hospital. I followed them on my motorcylce. When we got there, we rushed in and asked the lady can we see Carlos and Kayla. She said in about 3 hours. We got in the waiting room and nobody said a word. Kendall's head was in his hands. Logan was on the chair with his arms crossed and looking sad and James was crying. I couldn't believe that Larry shot Carlos. I couldn't help but think that everything was my fault.....

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