Part 17

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Your P.O.V.

As soon as his name was said, my head flew down and I knew it was my time to tell Kendall. I took a deep breath and started talking.

You:Larry was my boss at the Law Firm I used to work and the reason I quit was because he tried kiss me and he knew I was married.

Detective:Uh huh go on. (He says as he continued writing)

I turned to Kendall and started to tell everything.

You:Kendall, I should of told you this the day it happened but when I told you I cheated, I actually was raped by Larry.


I nodded and he put his head down.

You:The reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't have the courage to tell you and because he said if I told anybody he was gonna kill me and my family and I didn't want you or Kayla to die. (I say sobbing)

He looked up at me and was in tears.

Kendall:Aubrey why did you make me believe that you cheated and that it was your fault?

You:I....I don't know. I didn't want you to die.

Kendall:But look at Kayla now, she missing and.......and.... (He paused) I have no words for you because right now everything is messed up.

You:I know and I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to go this far.

Kendall:What about the baby you lost?

You:It was Larry's baby. (I whispered)

His mouth opened but nothing came out. He just looked at me with a disppointed look and hurt in his eyes but then he said something I never thought he would say to me.

Kendall:Since you hid so much from me, I don't think I can trust you anymore. (He looked down) I want a divorse. (He said and left and left me speechless)

Kayla's P.O.V.

Hours passed and I was still locked in the closet with nothing to do but think, use my imagination or cry. After some minutes later the door opened and the man dragged me out.

???:Time to eat.

He put a plate of something in front of me and as I looked at it, I lost my appetite. I pushed the plate up the table and he looked at me with a mad face.

???:Eat this.

Kayla:I'm not hungry.

???:EAT IT! (He yelled and shoved some of it in my mouth)

I didn't swallow because the taste was disgusting. I just put it under my tounge.

Then he threw me back in the closet. I spit out the nasty taste and then realized that it was burnt cabbage eww. I just wish I was home with my parents.......

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