Part 5

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Your P.O.V.

The next day, I got up at 5:00am because I had to go to work at 6am, so I took a shower, then I got dressed ( I didn't really feel like wearing heels today. I went down stairs and made pancakes and eggs and set two plates down on the table. I took my plate and sat down and ate, then Kendall and Kayla came down and sat at the table.

Kendall:Good morning.

Kayla:Morning mommy, morning daddy.

You:Good morning.

Kendall:How is the case working out?

You:It's ok, I mean I see alot of couples coming in and getting divorces, and signing prenups. I guess alot of people aren't meant to be together.

Kayla:You and daddy belong together. (She said in her little voice)

I looked at her and smiled and so did Kendall.

You:So we're still on for Carlos' movie night tonight right?

Kendall:Yeah, your able to come right?

You:What makes you think I won't be there?

Kendall:Uh your job.

You:What's the problem? You work.

Kendall:Yeah but I don't work as long as you do.

You:Oh really what about you going on tours and we can't see you for months?!

Kendall:That's not the point.

You:Look, I gotta go to work and yes I'm going to be at his place tonight and I'll see you when I get home. (I said getting up) Bye Kayla.

Kendall:(Sigh) Bye Aubrey. (He says getting up and giving me a hug) I love you.

You:I love you too.

I went to my car and drove to work and once I got there, Larry was in my office.

You:Uh hey Boss is there something wrong?

Larry:No I was just looking through the cases you've been working on and I have to say it's impressive.


He got up and came over to me.

Larry:Did I mention how beautiful you look today?

You:Um thank you. (I said and sat down at my desk)

Larry:You are just amazing in every way, I wish I had you as my wife.

You:Ok, is there something else you need? (I say getting irritated)

Larry:You is all I need baby.

This basterd better stop before I go crazy. I thought.

Kendall's P.O.V.

I wanted to go to Aubrey's job to give her lunch because I wanted her to have a good day and not be mad at me.

Kendall:Can I bring this to Aubrey's office? (I ask the lady at the desk)

Lady:And you are?

Kendall:I'm her husband.

Lady:Ok, right this way.

I followed her to the office and when I looked through the glass, I saw some guy holding her hand but then she pulled away and it looked like she was going off on him but he grabbed her and pulled her face to his. I was so angry, I burst through the door and he pulled away from her.

Larry:She tried to kiss me. (Was the first thing he said.......

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