Part 13

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Kendall's P.O.V.

I was so mad that she was being this way to me. I mean, I know we argue alot but for her to not tell me nothing other than she cheated was making me angryer so I just went off when I saw her come back from the hospital knowing that was probably not the best idea to do. I saw her walk off but she must of felt something because she held her stomach and fell. I ran over to her and called 911 so they can take her back to the hospital because no matter how mad I was at her, I didn't want to see her hurt. I told our neighbor to watch Kayla as the ambulance pulled up. I got in the back with her and just held her hand as I put my head down. When we pulled up to the hospital they told me to wait in the waiting room and I just sat down and put my head in my hands.

Your P.O.V.

I woke up feeling so bad. I was also hooked up to alot of wires and the doctor was standing over me.

You:Doctor? (I asked whispering)

Doctor:Hi Mrs.Schmidt, I have some bad news for you.

You:Ok what is it?

Doctor:I'm sorry but you lost your baby. Have you been stressed out lately?

I nodded. I knew that the baby was Larry's and I couldn't deal with that. I was also sad I lost it. I told the doctor to call Kendall in because I wanted to see him. 12 minutes later he came in and sat by the bed.

You:Kendall I'm so sorry please can you forgive me.

Kendall:I just want to forget that all of this happened. Can we just go back to how we used to be?

I nodded.

Kendall:The doctor told me that you lost the baby. Are you ok?

You:Yes I'm ok, I just want to come home.

He got up and gave me a hug and a kiss while I was in the bed.

Kendall:I'm gonna ask the doctor when you can get out of here.

I nodded again and he left. I'm so glad Kendall is taking me back and I'm glad he is forgiving me. I just hope we pick up where we left off. I snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Kendall coming back in.

You:What did he say?

Kendall:He said you can go today.

After I signed the papers, me and Kendall were on our way home.

You:Where's Kayla?

Kendall:She's at Ms.Lakes house.

You:Oh well, is there something you want to do?

Kendall:I think I got an idea. (He says smiling flirtly......

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