Chapter One: Step One

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"Yes sir." I said.

Spencer slid file across the table and I picked it up.

"You have about a week there to submit as much information as possible before we go in there and clear 'em out." He said.

"Alright Sir, thank you."

I began to walk out the door but Spencer stopped me by waving his hand.

"And Harmon." He said.

"Yes Sir?"

"Be safe, those people there worship an evil god or something."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I walked out the door, file in hand and looked down at it. I scanned it up and down as I walked towards my car.

My name is Harmon Foster. I work for an organization called the NWG. To put it lightly, it's a mercenary service. I was about 18 years old at the time and I would have never guessed that I would meet someone who would change my life forever.

I was giving an assignment that called for me to go undercover as a commanding officer for some weird religious camp. We needed to gather information on the camp before we waged war on them.

We sent someone to make contact before but...when we found him, he wasn't still in one piece.

I was being sent to gather information and evacuate any civilian's before we initiate an attack on them.

I walked out of the NWG facility and towards the train station that was outside. I boarded the train and took a seat.

I set the file on the table and scanned it up and down.

"So I kept my name, however I'm taking the identity of an officer called an "Oracle?" I said to myself.

"Wine, sir?" A voice said.

I turned to see a waitress standing before me with a glass of wine in her hand.

"Yes, please. Thank you." I said.

I took the wine from her hands and she let out a giggle as she walked away. The train jolted forward and started it's trip.

I fixed my gun holster that was digging into my armpit. Inside said holster, was a Mauser C96, my personal weapon of choice.

The train continued it's voyage across the great lands of the United States. Eventually it came to a stop in a place called Wellington.

The religious camp was out in a place called Winton woods, which means that the train couldn't get there.

The waitress gave me the check for my wine and I payed her. I gave her a tip and she smiled sweetly at me as I got off the train. I looked down at the receipt and saw that there was a number on it with a kiss mark.

"Hehe, I'll give her a call after this." I said.

I got off the train and stepped onto the wooden platform before me. I looked around and saw that I was at an old wooden train the middle of nowhere.

The train squeeled as it jerked forward into the sunset. Nearby I saw a horse tired to a wooden stable.

I approached a horse and saw that there was a note on it. I read the note aloud.

"Frost always forgets to give people transportation. Ride this horse into Winton Woods. The moonlight should guide you in the right direction. Good luck, and don't blow your cover. -Felipe Sanchez."

Looks like my friend, Felipe, was looking after me. I climbed on top of the saddle of the horse and started riding it towards the Camp.

The horse trotted down a path as the black blanket of the night crept over me. Soon it was pitch black outside and the only light that shined was the moonlight before me.

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