Chapter Two: You Say We Need To Talk

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"Nice to meet you Libitina." I said.

I reached my hand out to Libitina to shake her hand but Yalung grabbed my wrist.

"Only people that the Masaya let's can touch her." He said.

"'s alright..." Libitina said.

She grabbed my hand with both of her hands and seemed very interested in my hand.

"Your hands...their so rough..." She said.

"Yeah...I've been doing a lot of work where I come from." I said.

Libitina kept touching my hand, as if she's never even touched a guy before.

"Aaaaalright, that's enough." Yalung said.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from Libitina. She had a face of disappointment that came over her.

"Let's take you two to your sleeping quarters for tonight." Yalung said.

He exited the room and we followed behind him. Libitina stood at my side with her hands cupped together.

"Tell me more about how she's supposed to take us to salvation." I said, sparking conversation and trying to get more information out of this nutcase.

"Well, we believe that one day, Libitina will open her third eye." Yalung said.

I looked over at Libitina and she seemed frightened at Yalung's words.

"What happens when she opens her third eye?" I asked.

"She will become the pure beauty of misery. She will kill, slaughter, and mutilate any who stands in the way of Yunkraught."

"But she's like...16." I said.

"I'" Libitina said shyly.

I looked over at Libitina and she looked like she was about to faint. I placed my hand on her shoulder and whispered to her.

"Are you alright, Libitina?" I asked.

She seemed surprised by my touch and turned to face me, her bright yellow eyes having a sparkle to them.

"Y-Yes...thank you..." She said.

I took my hand off her shoulder and put it back at my side. I think that she noticed that I was the only one who thought all of this

I was taken off guard when Libitina snatched my hand and held it in hers. Me and her held each other's hands as we walked out of the large building and towards one of the lodges.

"Here's where you will be staying for tonight. I expect you to come in full uniform tomorrow." Yalung said.

"Yeah...sure thing." I said.

Yalung turned around and saw that me and Libitina were holding hands. He grabbed Libitina's other hand and yanked her away.

"W-Wait...." Libitina said as she was dragged away.

"Come along now, Libitina. We need to run more tests. The faster you open your third eye, the easier this will be for you." Yalung said.

Yalung took Libitina away and she seemed sad to leave. I turned to the room that was assigned to me.

I opened the door slowly as it creaked loudly. Inside the room, was a bed and a table against the wall.

No TV, no dresser, nothing to entertain myself. I walked over to the table and saw a uniform was sitting on it. The uniform was jet black with a blood red eye logo on the heart of it.

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