Chapter Six: You Stare Politely Right On Through

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I left Libitina with Yalung, which was probably a bad decision on my point. I walked over to the hospital map to try and memorize where everything is.

There were 3 wings on the hospital, A, B, and C. Libitina stayed in Wing A as her room. Wing A was the living quarters of the patients.

Wing B was labled the "Reproduction Department." That's where the...woman was... Me and Libitina walked through wing B earlier to get to her room faster.

Wing C was labled the "Third Eye" chambers. I guess that's where they try and get the people there to open their third eye.

"I should probably snoop around there tonight, when everyone is asleep." I said to myself.

For now though, I was returning to my room to have dinner with my cabin members. I wasn't going to eat dinner however, as I knew what the "Meat" was.

I walked back to my room and opened the door slowly. There were still blood stains on the ceiling and the room was as empty as it used to be.

I plopped down on my bed and looked at my watch. It was about 6:00. If I was sneaking out tonight, I should probably get some sleep first.

I closed my eyes and heard a swoosh of wind past my ears. I opened my eyes to see myself walking on a familiar stone path, wearing the same outfit as I was in my last dream.

"Welcome back to Durgesh." A voice said.

I looked around to see that nobody was there. The fox walked out from behind a rock wearing red and white war paint that was decorated on his body.

"You must know something, my child...There are three profits of Yankraught."

The fox walked up to me and stones began to fly out of the ocean. 3 large concrete platforms hovered around me and lights began to shine on them.

"The first of Yankraught's victims was before time was angel...a corrupted angel..."

Two angels appeared on the concrete platform and they were frozen in time, like a 3D photograph. One of the angels had a third eye on their head, and they seemed to be asking help from the other angel.

The possessed angel had purple hair and a red dress. The other angel had golded hair and golden eyes, and she seemed scared of the possessed angel.

They looked almost like...sisters.

"A fallen of the three profits of Yankraught..."

I looked at the other platform and saw a man with an evil grin across his face. Like the angels, he was frozen in place.

"A devoured soul of a man. He's hurt so many..."

The man was wearing black pants and a black leather jacket. He was fixing a glove on his hand. He had blonde hair that was slicked back and tattoos that went up his neck.

"Lastly...the pour child..."

On the last platform, was the familiar Libitina. She was sitting on her knees with her fingers clawing her face.

She was frozen in time, but the look on her face told me everything. She knew everything...and she's scared.

Me and the fox continued our walk down the pathway.

"I believe you can save all of them. Save Crystalline. Save Rexes. Save..."

"Save Libitina."

When the voice whispered in my ear Libitina's name, my vision turned white again. I got jerked up in my bed and took a deep breath.

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