Chapter Four: It's Just A Talk

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"Then stay by my side." I said while I gave Libitina a smile. She smiled sweetly through her somewhat embarrassed face and grabbed my hand.

"Can we stop by my room real quick?" Libitina asked.

"Yeah, sure." I said.

Libitina held my hand and we both walked out into the camp. I looked around to see that there were people actually out of their homes.

They were building the fence around the camp a little higher. Not at their consent however, as there were men standing in my uniform with assault rifles looking ready to shoot anyone who disobeys.

"Please...don't look." Libitina murmured.

I faced away as to not look at the depressed people of camp Sabal. Libitina led me back into the hospital and we walked down a hallway.

I took a peak into one of the hospital rooms and saw that there was a red substance on the floor. Libitina tugged on my hand as I took a look.

"Well, here's my room." Libitina said while she pointed at a closed door.

"Ladies first." I said.

Libitina let out a giggle as she pushed open her room. I looked around and saw her room...wasn't normal. For an 18 year old girl I mean...

There was a bed in the center of the room with a third eye on the wall. There were two cherry wood nightstands that were on each side of the bed.

The room had no windows, and a table that held tons of syringes, viles, and other medical supplies.

"I just wanted to grab my journal." Libitina said as she skipped over to one of her nightstands.

She picked up a red book and walked back towards me, presenting the book to me.

I looked at the cover and read it aloud.

"The Portrait Of Markov?" I asked.

The book was red with the signature third eye on the cover.

"'s like a diary to me. It's named after the man who proposed the God Yankraught, Vladimir Markov. I write my experiences and thoughts in here as I open my third eye..."

Libitina seemed to get quiet with that last sentence. I placed my hands on her shoulders and looked down into her yellow eyes.

"Libitina...can I ask you something?" I said.

"Y-Yes...what would you like to know...about m-me...?"

Who said I was asking about her?


I had trouble getting my words out, and Libitina looked like she was about to pass out because of how close our faces were.

"Yes...I do...a lot..." She murmured.

What? I was going to ask her about her third eye...that answer doesn't make sense.

"No Libitina...I mean..."


Down the hallway I heard a loud crash. I pulled away from Libitina and placed my hand in my jacket, and on my gun. I walked down the hallway as Libitina followed close behind me.

I went to the room that I thought was the source of the sound. I looked in and saw something...that only a monster would do.

The room was clattered with scalpels and medical instruments, as the woman I saw last night knocked it over.

However...that woman I saw last night...wasn't still in one piece. Her arms...and legs...were gone, and replaced with bandages to stop the bleeding. She managed to knock over the table using what was left of her arm to get my attention.

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