Chapter Three: He Walks, You Say Sit Down...

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I stared off into the abyss of my darkness that was my eyelids as I slowly began to fall asleep. I felt weird as I dozed off...I was peaceful but sick to my stomach at the same time.

I found myself standing on the edge of a cliff, looking down at a pool of water below. The water shined like diamonds under a light.

"You must save us...please...jump..." A voice whispered as a breeze passed my body.

There was a determination as the dark presence in my stomach began to get violent. I dove head first down the cliff and into the water below.


I open my eyes to see myself underwater, looking up at the surface. I began to swim upward in a panic, as I slowly began to drown.

"Swim... Harmon...swim..."

I kept hearing these damn voices...what do they want from me.

Just as my vision began to fade, I stuck my head above the water. I swam towards a rock platform that was on one side of the lake.

I doubled over, looking at the ground as I coughed up water. I noticed something was off. My body was covered in white and orange tribal looking paint.

"What the hell?"

A had a long orange cloth that covered my pelvis, but I was barefoot. I looked around and saw pink and orange trees throwing petals everywhere.

"Wha...where am I?" I asked myself.

This place...was like a heaven or...a Shangri-La...but there was something wrong. I felt an evil presence.

"You must defeat him warrior. You must save them all..."

The breeze came by again and whispered those words into my air. I looked over at a tree and saw a fox laying by a tree.

I walked over to the fox and saw that there was an knife in it's side. It turned it's head and looked up at me, almost as if it was talking to me.

I knelt down and pulled the knife out. The fox flinched and disappeared into ashes. I looked closely at the knife and it had a blood like substance on it...but it was black.

I held the knife as I walked down a concrete path. I looked around and saw that the pathway was surrounded by blood red water and the sky was orange.

"Our heavens...they were corrupted...the fox tried to protect it's forest...but failed..."

Why do I keep hearing these voices. In the distance, I saw a humanoid figure standing on a rock with it's back turned to me.

"Hey! Hey! What is this place?!" I called out.

The figure turned around and I got a good look at it's face. There was no skin, just the skull and it had black smoke leaking from it's eye sockets.


The creature hissed at me and ran towards me full force. It had claws that came out of it's fingers about a foot and a half.

It ran towards me and I put my hands in front of me, as to block it's attack. It cocked it's hand back but something tackeled it.

It was...the fox from before.

It tackled the beast to the ground and grabbed it's throat. It ripped it out and looked back at me. It nodded its head at me.

"You have gained the fox's trust...your adventure shall begin now..."

The fox walked down the path and I followed behind it. I looked up and saw a mountain with a bell tower on it. The bell was made purely of gold.

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