Chapter Fourteen: And I Would Have Stayed Up With You All Night

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"Thus the warrior must do his duty. Protect what's good and destroy what's evil." The wind said.

I landed in the middle of a large concrete platform and the fox was between my legs.

I was back in the Durgesh...or the dream kingdom that was corrupted by Yunkraught.

A bright flash appeared in front of me, and then disappeared, leaving a bow, and a quiver filled to the brim with arrows.

"Only the most worthy have made it this far."

The whole ground started to shake and I tried to keep my balance. Suddenly a huge humanoid giant looked over the concrete platform I was on.

The monster wore a mask with a large bloody red eye carving on it's forehead. It had pointy teeth and an evil intent on it's face.

The monster was...

"Yankraught himself." The wind said.

Yankraught slammed his fist down on the platform. The vibrations made me fall down and I saw the fox jump on it's hand and attack it.

I got back up to my feet and pulled back on my bow string. I loaded an arrow on it and it seemed to glow as I pulled it all the way back.

I released the arrow and it whized through the air, hitting Yankraught in the shoulder.


Yankraught screamed and swept his hand across the platform, almost knocking me down into the dark purple abyss below.

The fox slowly ran up it's arm while I kept him occupied. I kept shooting arrows at him, mostly hitting him in the torso. He would seem to get mad with every hit.

I began to have visons running through my head. I saw Libitina...why did I see Libitina?

I looked down to see a shadow coming over me. I looked up to see Yankraught's hand about to slam me.

"OH S**!" I yelled as I dolphin dived out of the way. He missed me by a hair and threw rocks everywhere.

Yankraught kept his hand on the ground while he turned to face me.

I slowly pulled on my bow and loaded an arrow. I saw the perfect target on this gigantic demon.

I let go of the arrow and it glimmered as it flew. It hit it's target like a bullseye, as it pierced Yankraught's eye.


The collosal demons head fell onto the platform with the fox jumped onto it's face. I pulled out my knife and stabbed the beast's eye.

The fox ran inside of Yankraught's mouth as I stabbed him. Yankraught's eyes began to glow as his mouth opened wider.

The fox ran back out the demons mouth as bright lights began to shine through Yankraught's mouth and eye sockets.

The light was so bright, it was blinding.


My vision was covered in white until I felt the warmness around me. I appeared on a dirt roadway surrounded by pink trees, throwing pink pettles everywhere.

In the sky, I saw an angelic figure. Flapping her wings, she looked down at me and smiled at me.

Her skin almost glowed with her golden hair and...golden eyes.

That was...that was Libitina's angel...

"Libitina!" I yelled as I woke up.

I sat up in bed to see Libitina sleeping soundly right next to me. I moved the hair out of her face as she slept soundly in my bed.

I got up and started gathering my things. I got into my uniform and loaded my pistol for the upcoming hell that awaited me and Libitina.

"Good morning, my love." Libitina said from my bed.

I looked over at her to see her hair was everywhere, yet she still had a smiling face.

"Good morning, Libitina."

I walked over to Libitina and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She smiled gleefully and she gathered her clothes off of the floor.

"Harmon?" She asked.


"When we get out of here, the first thing we're doing is getting me clothes. I'm already sick of black and grey." Libitina said.

I chuckled and patted her back.

"Anything." I said.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Suddenly Yalung came in with the doctor.

"Time for tests, Libitina." Yalung said.

Libitina looked at me, and then back at them.

"This will be the last time. I'll be back soon." She mumbled.

Libitina gave me a peck on the cheek and walked out the door with Yalung and the doctor.

I guess since we were about to leave these sick freaks forever that she didn't care if she showed affection towards me.

She walked out the door with them and closed the doors behind them.

I went over my notes on my notebook after they left.

"Harmon Foster, October 20th, 2019.

We're leaving this camp together. I'm leaving with the girl I love, and that girl is Libitina. I don't care if she has a monster inside of her, I still love her nonetheless. This is my final message for this operation.

Glory to the new world.


I set my notebook in my pocket and heard a weird noise outside. I walked outside and looked up in the air.

There was a siren going off.

It was...

An air ride siren?


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