Chapter Fifteen: Had I Known How To Save A Life

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I heard the crackling of gunfire as I looked over the hill. I saw huge amounts of soldiers riding horseback towards the camp.

Suddenly I saw someone jump off of the cabin I lived in and shoot two people people across the camp.

That person landed on the ground and turned to face me.

"Harmon, my friend!" Felipe said.

"Looks like all hell is about to break loose!" I said.

Another person jumped off of the same cabin that Felipe jumped off of and they landed on their face.

That person got up.

" do that... Felipe?" Spencer said while he tried to catch his breath.

Spencer got up and cocked his Beretta that was in his jacket.

"Ready to leave, Harmon?" Spencer asked.

"Wait... LIBITINA!" I yelled.

"What's wrong, my friend? Where's the little one?" Felipe asked.

"I...I need to go find her! I'll be back! Cover me!" I said.

Spencer and Felipe looked at each other and then proceeded to fight off all resistance during the camp invasion.

I ran towards the hospital and down the hallway. Everyone was rushing out of their rooms and out of the way.

I fought my way through Wing A. I made it to Libitina's room and kicked open the door.

The only thing I saw was the portrait of Markov. I grabbed the book and tucked it into my jacket. 

"Libitina?!" I called out.

No response.

"She has to be in the third eye test chambers..." I said.

I made my way through wing B and over to wing C. I saw personnel in the hallways and I shot them down with precision.

Adrenaline ran through my viens...where is the woman I love?

"Harmon!" A voice yelled from a hospital room.

I ran down the hallway and there was but one hospital room locked. I turned the knob but it wouldn't budge.


That's Libitina...that's Libitina!

I unloaded my gun on the doorknob and threw the pistol away.

I rammed the door with my shoulder. No luck.

I rammed it again. No luck.

Damn it!

I rammed it one more time. Time went slow as the store slammed open and I saw the horrific sight before me.

The doctor was holding a syringe over Libitina as she struggled to get his hands away from her.

"Grah!" I yelled.

I grabbed the doctor and hit him so hard with my fist that a tooth flew out his mouth.

I grabbed the syringe from his hand and jammed it into his throat. I injected him with whatever the hell he was about to inject Libitina with and he slid down the wall.

He held his hands around his throat as foam began to come out his mouth. Libitina came over to me and hugged me as Doctor Rawls suffocated to death.

I fell to my knees as I hugged Libitina.

"Libitina, I love you so much...I can't ever imagine myself not being with you."

I was overwhelmed with emotion as tears fell from my lonely and pained eyes. I squeezed Libitina tightly.

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