Chapter Seven: Some Sort Of Window To Your Right

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Libitina looked at me through the window. Not with her actual eyes, but with the third eye on her forehead.

"Libitina..." I whispered.

Libitina's face began to frown at me. Her iris's came back to her eyes and the third eye stopped glowing and disappeared.

Libitina returned to normal.

I ducked down below the window sill so Yalung wouldn't notice what Libitina was looking at.

"That. Was. Beautiful, Libitina." I heard Yalung say.

"" Libitina said in disbelief.

She didn't want to activate her third eye, and that's exactly what she just did.

"You little bitch! You broke my wrist!" The doctor yelled.

"For a good cause, Rawls. Now we know that Libitina can activate her third eye." Yalung said.

"What...what is different with her? What worked this time?" The doctor asked.

"I think it's the boy she's been with. Maybe it's doing something to her body."

"Perhaps. I need to get this fixed." The doctor said while he held his wrist. "Take Libitina to her room. Her tests are finished."

"Let's go Libitina."

I heard a door swing open as Libitina and Yalung walked out of the room. I watched the doctor begin to bandage his wrist.

"That little brat broke my wrist... Haha, I should inject her with some more poisons tonight. It's funny to watch her twitch in her sleep." I heard the doctor say to himself.

"Fuck you." I whispered.

My job was done, and I had enough Intel worth writing. I snuck away around the fence and back to my cabin window.

I climbed up the window and back into my room. I took a sigh of relief while I walked over to my desk. There was a note on it.

"Long time, no see, my friend. Look, if you're sneaking out to look around the place, don't leave you window open. Hell, even I saw you sneak out. Be more careful. Anyway, Cosgrove and Spencer are about to leave for operation Firefly. They'll sweep around here after the operation is finished. For your good work, I left you a gift under your bed. Enjoy! -Your Friend, Felipe."

I set the note down and chuckled at Felipe's goofy note. I walked over to my bed and got down on my knees. I looked under the bed to see a rose box and a bottle of scotch.

"Felipe always taking care of me." I said. I got up and set the scotch on my desk and the rose box next to it. I pulled out my notes and started to write down my report.

"Harmon Foster, October 18th, 2019.

Yalung, the priest of this camp, has no problem with killing those who step out of line. He's still buying my cover.

I've witnessed the third eye effect first hand. Libitina activated her third eye for a span of about 10 seconds. The iris's of her eyes disappear and a red eye appears on her forehead.

They activate the third eye through high amounts of emotion. Their preferred emotion is...pain and sadness.

Her reflexes enhance exponentially and her strength is frightening. Libitina is an HVI (High Value Individual) so we must save her.


I put my note pad under the rose box and leaned back in my chair. I cracked my knuckles and took out my pistol.

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