Chapter One- Make a choice Ginny!

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                Harry's P.O.V. 

        "Gin, come on, there's more we need to look at," I said, looking around the small flat. This one wasn't terrible, but I think we should get a bit of a bigger one. 

        Ginny came walking in, smiling brightly. Oh shit, this can't be good. "I really like this one Harry, I think we should buy it," she said, looking at the tiny kitchen. 

        "Gin, you've said that about the last six. You need to start eliminating some," I said, and sighed. The longer I stayed in here, the stuffier it seemed. How the hell are we going to put furniture in here? 

        "But, Harry, they've all been good," Ginny said, giving me the puppy dog eyes. 

        "Ginny, there's still a ton of others, let's look at one more than you can decide," I said, and looked at her sternly. 

        "Fine," she said with exasperation. She grabbed her bag off the floor and began to walk out. I followed her and smiled. It felt good to be out of that stuffy flat. 

        I walked towards the car, and started it up. Ginny got in, and smiled at me, "Where to next?" 

        "Um... How about the one on Vine Road, the bottom floored one, with the tiny flower garden?" I said. She nodded her head, and smiled a bit. 

        "I think I'll like that one. It looked cute in the pictures," Ginny said and smiled. I handed her the papers with the apartment, and started to drive towards it. 

        We got there in about five minutes. It hadn't been that far from the one we had just been to. I smiled when we reached it. I got out of the car with Ginny, and we walked towards the visitor center. 

        "Um.. Hello Mrs." Ginny said. The lady looked up from her computer and gave us a sweet smile.

        "Hello, How may I help you?" she asked, still smiling at us. 

        "We were just wondering if we could look at Apartment #12 on the left wing?" I said. The lady looked at her computer and typed something in. 

        "Harry and Ginny Potter, correct?" she asked me. I forgot that we had set up a meeting, I had forgotten all about that. 

        "Yes, I'm Harry Potter," I replied. She smiled at us, and called for somebody. A young women with brown hair came out. She smiled at us, and said, "I'll be showing you guys your flat."

        "Great!" Ginny said, with a broad smile. The lady grabbed a key, an said, "Come with me."

        We walked with the lady and walked towards the flat, and soon reached it. It was a cute flat and looked like it would be roomy. 

        We looked around it, it was small, but large enough. It was nice and I liked the look of it. 

        "How do you like this one, Gin?" I asked, as Ginny looked at the small fireplace. 

        "I don't know, I like it, but I'm still leaning towards the other one," she said, and looked at me. 

        "Oh come on Gin, this one is so much roomier, we could actually fit furniture in it!" I said, and laughed a bit. She glared at me, but laughed a bit.

        "Did I show you the patio?" The women asked us. She was still smiling at us, and I wondered how she handled to do that all day. 

        "I don't think you did," Ginny said, and took my arm. We walked with the lady towards a tiny patio out back. 

       "Still leaning towards the closet, Gin?" I said with a smirk, and Ginny laughed. 

        "Nah, I think I like this one, it's nice and roomy, but yet... not to large, know what I mean?" Ginny said, with a tiny laugh. 

        "Ya, I think I get it," I said, and kissed GInny on the cheek. She smiled at me and the lady walked back inside. God, I would hate that job, it'd be so.. awkward. 

        We walked back in and I said, "I think we like this one."

        "Oh good, well it's definetly open," she said, and smiled even broader at us. Ginny smiled at her and said, "Will we have neighbors?" 

        At first I was suprised by Ginny's question, but then I remembered that Springly Flats had been built only about a year ago. They weren't very known.

        The lady's smile faded a bit. Thank God, I was starting think she wasn't human. "Um... Yes, but if you would prefer not to, we could put you in the right wing."

        "Oh no, no, I just wanted to have neighbors. You know, so it wasn't just me and my husband," Ginny said and smiled a bit. 

        The lady's smile appeared again, and I flinched. God, is this girl a barbie or something? "Well would you like to rent this one?" she asked, making me come out of my trance.

        "Harry i don't know, I still like the other one," Ginny said, looking at me. 

        "Make a choice Ginny!" I said, and laughed a bit. Ginny scowled at me, but smiled at the lady.

        "Ya, I think we would like to rent this one," GInny said. The lady smiled even broader, if that's even possible. 

        "Well follow me, I'll have you sign the forms and contract," the lady said, and walked back. 

        Ginny and I followed, but at a slower pace. I whispered to Ginny, "Is this girl even human, she smiles way to much, it's like a barbie!" Ginny snorted, and tried to make it a cough. Luckily the lady didn't notice it.  


        Hi!! Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!! This book will be in multiple P.O.V.'s!! Thanks again for reading!!! Please feel free to comment and vote!!! :)

        *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, I don't own any of them.*      

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