Chapter Eight- An Odd Dinner

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                Teddy's P.O.V. 

        "Bye Teddy," Grandma said and hugged me. I hugged her back and waved goodbye. 

        "Sorry Ginny, This just came up and I couldn't leave Teddy home alone," Grandma said to Ginny. 

        Ginny smiled and said, "Oh don't worry about it. He's always fun to babysit."

        Grandma hugged Ginny and got into her car. She waved at me before she drove away. Ginny kneel-ed down next to me and smiled at me.         

        "Hey Ted, how are you?" she said. 

        "I'm gwood," I said and gave her a toothy smiled. 

        "That's good, let's go play," Ginny said and grabbed my hand. 

        "Cwars!" I said and ran into the flat. 


        Beep! Beep! Beep! "Shit! I forgot about tonight!" Ginny said and got up from where she was sitting. 

        I looked up from my cars and looked at Ginny curiously. Ginny ran down the hall towards Harry's and hers' room. Harry came into the house and smiled at me. 

        "Hey Ted, where's Ginny?" he said and ruffled my hair. 

        "She went to wour room," I said. Harry gave me one last smile and walked towards their room.

        Ginny came out wearing a black dress and her hair was up in a bun. "Get dressed Harry! I forgot all about our dinner thing!" 

        She walked towards me and said, "Hey Teddy, we need to clean up. We're going to go have a nice fancy dinner."

        I smiled and helped Ginny put my cars back in their box. Ginny picked me up and walked towards the room I stayed in. "Please say I have some nice clothes of yours," she said. 

        We walked into my room and Ginny looked through the dresser. "Thank god," she muttered. She had a pair of Khaki pants with a light denim button-up. "You can dress yourself, right Teddy?" she said. 

        "Of course," I said and took the clothes out of her hands. She walked out of the room and closed the door. 

        I quickly got dressed and tried to reach for the handle. Why was I so short? I knocked on the door and Ginny walked in. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. 

        "Harry! Hurry up!" Ginny said. She sat down beside me and smiled, "You look nice."

        "Twhanks! You doo twoo," I said. She laughed and said, "Thank you!"

        "Ready to go?" Ginny said, when Harry walked out.

        "I still don't get why we have to go to this," Harry said, but walked towards the door. 

        We left the flat and got in the car. I played with one of my cars as Harry drove towards some restaurant. When we got there, Ginny picked me up. I let her carry me into the restaurant and we sat down in the waiting room. 

        "Where are they?" Harry said and looked around. 

        "They might be late," Ginny said, "Don't worry about it, they'll show up."

        I played with my hands while we waited. "There they are!" Ginny said after a couple of minutes. 

        I looked up and saw a guy with bleach blonde hair being pulled by a girl with blue hair. I smiled at them when they reached us. 

        "Hey Guys!" the girl with blue hair said. 

        "Hi Astoria," Harry said and glared at the guy. 

        "Hello Ginny and Harry," the guy said. Astoria looked at me and smiled. 

        "Hi, who are you?" she said nicely.

        "I'm Tweddy!" I said and smiled brightly at her, "I like wour hwair!"

        "Thanks!" she said. I smiled and changed my hair color to hers. She looked at me in shock then smiled. 

        "I like yours to," she said.


        "Haha, ya I love kids!" Astoria said and smiled at Ginny, "If you and Harry ever need a babysitter, I'd love too!"

        Ginny smiled at her and said, "Ya, definitely."

        Astoria smiled at me and I finished up my chicken nuggets. "Wait, could you do it this weekend?" Ginny said suddenly. 

        Astoria looked at her and nodded her head. "Great! Harry and I have a wedding to go to this weekend and so does his Grandma! And there's no kids. Thanks a ton!" Ginny said. 

        "Ya, Draco and I'd love too!" Astoria said. Draco looked over at her and raised an eyebrow, but went back to talking to Harry. 

        "Thanks so much!" Ginny said and smiled.

        "Ya no prob," Astoria said and smiled at me. I smiled at her and offered her half of my cookie. 

        "I'll make sure and tell Harry," Ginny said. 


        "Thanks for dinner," Ginny said and hugged Astoria. 

        "Ya, no problem," Draco said and shook Harry's hand. I smiled at Astoria and gave her a quick hug. 

        "Bye-Bye!" I said and Ginny grabbed my hand. 

        We walked towards the car and Harry buckled me into my car-seat. 

        "See? Draco has changed!" Ginny said. 

        Harry laughed a bit and said, "Fine, Fine, you were right."

        I smiled and fell asleep. 


        Hey! Thanks so much for reading! Please feel free to comment and vote. I will try to update soon! Thanks again for reading! :)

                *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of them belong to me.*        



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