Chapter Eleven- A very Weasley Reunion.

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                Bill's P.O.V.

        "It's so cold out here," Fleur said, huddling close to me. I smiled at her and Victoire smiled at us happily.

        "Mommy? Do you thwink Tweddy will be thwere?" Victoire said. Fleur smiled and nodded her head. 

        Victoire smiled and began to skip towards the burrow. I let go of Fleur's hand and ran towards Victoire. "I'm going to get you!" I said and Victoire laughed. 

        Victoire began to run faster and I ran up behind her. I picked her up and she screamed in delight. "I got you!" I said. Victoire smiled at me happily and we walked into the burrow.

        "Where's Mommy?" Victoire said. I looked at the window and saw Fleur prodding through the thick snow. She was holding her stomach which was getting larger and larger. I walked out and grabbed Fleur's hand. 

        She smiled a me and said, "Thank god, I almost tripped like three times!"

        I laughed and we walked into the burrow. "Hello darlings!" Mum said and came and hugged us. She smiled at Victoire, who was eating a fresh strawberry. 

        "Hey mum, how are you?" I said and smiled at her. 

        "I've been good, how about you two? I heard about the baby! Another girl!" Mum said happily, "Another Grandchild!" 

        Fleur smiled and looked at her stomach. "We've been good," I said and saw Percy. 

        I walked over to him and shook his hand, "Hey, how have you been?" Percy asked me.

        "I've been good, Where's Audrey?" I said and smiled at Fleur.

        "In the kitchen, eating nutella covered oreos," Percy said. I laughed and walked into the kitchen. 

        Dad came up to me and shook my hand, "It's so good to see you again Bill," Dad said and I smiled.

        "You too Dad," I said and walked over to Ron and Harry.

        "Hello Bill," Harry said and smiled at me. 

        "Hey Harry. How have you guys been?" I said. 

        "I've been good," Ron said. Harry nodded his head and I looked over at Fleur. 

        Fleur sat with Audrey. They were dipping oreos into nutella and laughing. 

        "How has Fleur been?" Harry asked and smiled at Fleur. 

        "Oh, she's been good. Eating about anything," I said. Harry and Ron laughed and I chuckled with them.

        "I bet you, Hermione won't be like that!" Ron said and smiled. 

        "Just you wait brother, Just you wait," I said and laughed. Harry laughed and walked over to Ginny. 

        "Hey Brothers!" I heard George say. I turned around and saw George smiling at me and Ron happily. 

        George had a little girl in his arms. She had chocolate, curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes. 

        "She looks like Angelina," Ron said and smiled. 

        "Ya," George said and smiled at the baby girl.

        "What's her name?" I asked, smiling at the little girl.

        "Roxanne, Angelina liked the ring to it," George said. He walked off and I smiled at Fleur. 

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