Chapter Twelve- This sucks!

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Narcissa's P.O.V.

I sat down on the couch, reading my book quietly. The house was silent and I sighed. I missed having company. Lucius was in Azkaban and Draco hadn't visited since the holidays. I looked at the fireplace and I smiled at the pictures on top of it.

There were pictures of Draco as a little boy and now. A couple pictures of Lucius and me. There was a new picture of Draco and a pretty girl. Draco had given it to me for Christmas, and I smiled at it. The girl looked slightly familiar. I had never gotten to meet the girl, even though Draco had been living with her for the past two years. She had long blue hair and black glasses on. She smiled happily and was hugging Draco.

She was gorgeous and it sounded as if she made Draco happy. But Draco told me they weren't dating. My poor Draco, he deserved to be happy with someone, not to spend his life alone. He might think that, but I beg to differ.

I got up from the couch setting my muggle book gently on the couch. It was about muggles and the way they lived. I found it quite interesting. But if Lucius knew that I was reading this... he would be so ashamed.

I walked quietly into the kitchen and began some tea. When Lucius had been carted off to Azkaban, I had given all of our house elves clothes. Some cried, but most thanked me. I am very blessed that Lucius is going to be in Azkaban for a couple more years, even if I'm slightly upset about it. I sat down at the kitchen table and smiled outside.

It was a nice sunny day and I smiled. The house was so gloomy, so dark. It hadn't always been like this. I had painted the walls yellow at one point. But Lucius had made me paint them black when Draco was born. Our house was now a dark, upsetting place.

Maybe I could lighten the place up. Lucius wasn't here and I needed a project on my hands. I hadn't been out in the muggle world for a while, it might be nice to go out again. I got up from the table and grabbed my tea. I sipped it and looked around the empty house.

"This sucks!" I said, looking around the empty bedroom.

Most of the furniture was gone. When Voldemort had fallen, we had to get rid of most of the furniture. We sold most of it, so we could keep our house. If we hadn't, I wouldn't be living here.

I apparated into Muggle London and smiled at all the muggles. Some were going to work others were just shopping. I walked towards a paint store and looked at the paint samples.

"Miss, do you need any help?" A yound muggle girl asked.

"Oh no, but thank you for asking," I said sweetly. She nodded her head and walked off to help someone else.

I grabbed a couple of paint samples, and walked out of the store. I looked around muggle London, looking at beautiful furniture. I had only bought a vase and some fake flowers. They were pretty and I smiled.

I looked aroud and saw a store called Nordstroms. The name sounded familiar, where had I heard it? I walked out of the store and towards the muggle store. I walked into a happy, cherry place and smiled. There was clothes, shoes and jewelry galore. I smiled and walked around looking at the pretty items.

I walked into a section that was clearly mens. There were nice suits and I smiled thinking about Draco and how he had loved suits. I wonder if he shopped here.

"Hi Miss, Can I help you?" A girl said from behind me.

She was short and wore a pair of black pumps. She had a navy blue dress on and her hair was a vibrant pink. She had mint glasses on and she smiled at me happily. She looked familiar...

"No, but thanks," I said.

"Okay, well my name's Astoria and if you need any help you can ask me, or anyone really," she said and walked off.

My eyes followed her and saw her walk up to a young man. He wore a grey suit with a white button up. He had blonde hair and smiled at her happily. She laughed and hit his arm playfully. Wait... Is that Draco?

Oh my god, it is! I smiled in delight and walked towards the two of them. The girl turned and smiled at me and Draco turned. He looked shocked to see me at first, but then smiled at me.

"Mum, how good to see you!" Draco said and hugged me.

Astoria looked at us in surprise but then smiled. She put out her hand and said, "It's so nice to meet you Mrs. Malfoy."

"It's an honor to meet you too," I said, "And call me Narcissa."

"Thank you," Astoria said happily.

"How have you been mum?" Draco said.

"Oh, I've been good," I said.

"That's good," Draco said and smiled warmly.

"Well I best be off," I said, "It was lovely to meet you."

"It was a pleasure to meet you too," Astoria said.

"Yes, we will have to get together soon," I said. Draco nodded his hug and hugged me one last time.

I turned around and left, smiling at the two of the before I walked out. Astoria was laughing with Draco. He was glowing with happiness and I smiled. He deserved to be happy. He was happy.


       Hi! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please feel free to comment any ideas, I will try and use them. Thanks again for reading!

                *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of the characters belong to me.*


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