Chapter Four- Ron, Calm the Freak Down!

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                Ron's P.O.V.

        "Dear God, Hermione please! Please Stay! You don't need to go to your bridesmaid party! I said, and looked at her with pleading eyes. She smiled a bit, and laughed. 

        "Sorry Ronald, I have been planning this for months, and which you have a bachelor's party, remember?" She said, and grabbed her bag. 

        "Ya, Well have fun," I said and kissed her before she walked out the door. 

        I glared at the T.V. Harry said that he had some lavish party planned out, and I really didn't feel like having a bachelor's party. I remembered Harry's all too well. We had gotten drunk off our asses and Hermione had made me sleep on the couch when I came home. I hope this wasn't Harry's "lavish" idea. 

        I heard a loud knock on the door, and got up from the couch to see Harry. He was smiling like a little boy, and had bottles of firewhisky and butterbeer. He walked into the room and set the alcohol on the table. 

        "You know Hermione's going to kill me if I get drunk?" I said, and Harry just laughed. 

        "Oh come on! You only have one bachelors party!" Harry said and slapped me on the back. I glared at him and went to the door. 

        A couple of minutes later, the doorbell rang. "Harry how many people did you invite?" I asked as I went to answer the door. 

        "Um... a couple," Harry said and smirked. I answered the door, and George walked in. 

        "Hey dear Brother!" he said, and laughed a bit. I stood there and smiled a bit. 

        "Hey George, how are you?" I said. He looked at me and smiled. 

        "Been great, had to drink a tuna smoothie, because Angelina wanted me to taste it, but ya, I've been great," He said and laughed. Harry and I began to laugh, and I sat down at the counter. 


        In about an hour, Bill, Percy, Neville, Seamus, and Dean had arrived. I was surprised when Percy had walked in with muggle beer, but I couldn't help but smile. Harry was handing out beers left and right, but every time he offered me one, I refused. I was not going to get drunk. 

        A very drunk George walked up to me and slurred, "Why haven't you drank anything?" 

        "Because I don't want to end up like you," I said, and glared at Harry. Harry was laughing at a joke Neville had made, and smirked at me. 

        "I am most certainly not drunk," George slurred and laughed, "Just a little loopy!" 

        He then walked off, and I looked at everyone at my bachelors party. Bill and Percy were arm wrestling, George was laughing with Neville and Harry, and Dean and Seamus were singing on my coffee table. I laughed a bit, and went over to Harry.

        "Buddy!" Neville said, and began to laugh, thinking he was freaking hilarious. George grabbed another firewhisky and began to talk in a weird. 

        "Look guys I just created a new language! It's called Wizzy!" He said, and began to laugh like an idiot. Harry and Neville laughed with him, and I glared at the three of them. Hermione was going to be so mad, that I let them all get drunk off their asses. 

        "You guys need to stop drinking," I said and grabbed George's firewhisky. He looked at where his drink had been, trying to find where it was. 

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