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                Harry's P.O.V.

        "Ginny, do you want a sandwich?" I called from the kitchen. 

        I heard rummaging in the family room and Ginny walked in. 

        "Yes love," she said and smiled at me happily. 

        I started making her sandwich and she put her arms around me. I smiled while I made it.

        "Here you are," I said and handed her, her plate.

        "Thanks," she said and kissed my nose.

        We sat down at the small kitchen table and ate our sandwiches in silence.

        I smiled at her and took in all her imperfections. The way she blushed, how she tucked her hair behind her ear, how her eyes twinkled when she smiled. They were little things, but they made Ginny who she as. I couldn't ask for better.  

        "Hey love, do you want to watch a movie," I asked and she smiled.

        "That'd be great. We should go to a muggle theatre," Ginny said excitedly, "Ron says there lovely."

        "Ya, that'd be fun," I said. 

        We got up and cleaned our dishes. I went and got some shoes on and we walked out to the car. 

        As we headed out, I saw Astoria and Draco kiss at his doorway before Astoria turned and left. 

        "Since when did they get together?" I asked Ginny. 

        "Since last week. Astoria told me all about it, at lunch yesterday," Ginny said and hopped into the car.

        "Oh," I said. I couldn't say I was surprised. It was bound to happen.

        We drove towards a small muggle theatre and looked at the movies. We finally decided on one and walked up to the ticket stand. 

        "Two tickets to Fault in our Stars," I said rather relunctanly. Ginny insisted we watch it, since she was in love with the book. It was just another chick flick for me. 

        We walked into the movie theatre and I sat down. At least I'll be able to take a nice nap...


        "Their future seemed so bright! Then he died! He died!" I sobbed as we came out of the movie theatre.

        Ginny patted my shoulder as I continued to cry. "It's alright Harry. It's going to be alright," Ginny said, soothingly.

        People gave us weird looks as we walked out of the theatre. Ginny drove home, and my sobbing finally subsided.         

        "Told you, you'd like it," Ginny said and laughed a bit.

        "Haha, very funny," I said an walked into our small flat.     

        "I love you," Ginny said. I smiled and kissed her.

        "I love you too," I said.          


        Hi! So this is the last chapter. Thanks for all the reads. If you want a sequel tell me, but I might not get to it for a bit, since I am currently writing another book. Thanks again for reading. Bye! :)

                *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of them belong to me.*

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