Chapter Six- Nightmares.

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                Astoria's P.O.V.

        "Goodnight Astoria!" Draco said from the couch. 

        "Goodnight! Thanks again for letting me stay the night," I said and walked towards his room. 

        I slipped under the warm sheets and quickly fell asleep. 


        There was explosions and Hogwarts was slowly falling apart. My home... I could see Hannah, one of my fellow Hufflepuffs, fighting a death eater. I smiled at her before I ran towards the west wing, dodging explosives, and shooting Stupefy at anyone who got in my way. I got to the west wing, which barely had anyone fighting in it. I saw a couple of students lying on the ground and I could feel tears threatening to fall. But I needed to stay strong. 

        I ran over to help a 6th year Gryffindor, when another Death Eater joined us. She had long blonde hair and a pointed face. She was absolutely gorgeous and she was... my sister. Daphne cackled evilly and pushed the death eater aside. Daphne shot a killing curse at the 6th year, and he had no time to react. It hit him square in the side and I screamed. I turned on her and glared. 

        "You-Your're a mons-monster!" I yelled at her and she just laughed. 

        "Oh don't be so rude, sister dear," she said and gave me an evil smile, "Maybe I should teach you some manners, Crucio!" 

        I screamed as the curse hit me. I fell to my knees, screaming in pain. The tears that I had been holding back, fell in thick pools. 

        "I hope you learned your lesson," She sneered. I got up and glared at her. 

        "He isn't going to win. Harry will defeat him," I said. Her eyes narrowed, but she smiled evilly. 

        "Is that so?" She said, "Crucio!" 

        I dodged the curse and it hit the wall. "I personally think that the Dark Lord will make sure that we win, he is a very powerful man," Daphne said. 

        I smirked at her and said, "No he isn't. Harry is better than him!" 

        "Oh, you think so." she said slyly, "Crucio!" 

        This time I wasn't so nimble and the curse hit my leg. I screamed out in pain, falling onto the ground. More tears fell from my eyes. I looked up at her and mustered out a smirk.

        "Turning into Bellatrix, are we?" I said, cringing with pain. 

        "Do not compare me to that Phys-co! I am better than her, all the Death Eaters love me!" She said, "Crucio!"

        The pain was unbearable, but yet I couldn't let her think she was better than me. We were equals, sisters. 

        "Oh really, how many of them have you slept with?" I retorted, tears flowing down my face. 

        She looked taken aback, but recomposed herself quickly. "How dare you?" she said, "Crucio!"

        I cried in pain, my whole body was shaking. "Well you slept with every boy you ever met," I said, and looked at her. 

        I got up from the floor and looked at her. She glared at me and smiled a bit. "I guess I was always the more daring one," she said, "Crucio!"

        I couldn't block it, my whole body was throbbing, and the curse hit me. I screamed and my knees buckled. I cried as I fell to the ground. I looked up at her and mustered out, "I was always the more trusting one!" 

        She narrowed her eyes, but her sly smirk stayed. "When will you learn to keep your mouth shut, Crucio!" 

        My body shook on the ground and I screamed. The pain spread through my whole body, and I tried to get up. I fell to the ground, and attempted to get up again. I got up and looked at her. 

        "At least Mom and Dad trusted me," I said, tears coming down. I should just keep quiet, but I wasn't going to. 

        "Until you betrayed them! You lost their trust after that! You always had to be the innocent one!" She shouted at me. 

        "At least being innocent is better than being a murderer!" I said. 

        "Oh come on! You could never break one rule!" she said, "You could never sneak out, date someone mum and dad disapproved of, You always had to be innocent! Crucio!"

        I barely dodged it and stared at her. "Daphne, you don't want to do this, you don't want to be a death eater! You told me last year! It isn't to late to change sides!"

        "Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" Daphne shouted at me, and the curses hit me. 

        I screamed and writhed on the ground. Daphne leaned down and whispered, "I want to be a death eater, Voldemort is better than anyone else in the world!" 

        She kicked me in the stomach and I felt the air leave me. I tried to get up, but Daphne said, "Just give up."

        I didn't care what she said, I wasn't going to let her kill me this way. I was going to die the way I wanted to, not by my sister's hand. I gathered up all the strength I could and got up. "Please Daphne don't do this," I said, tears slipping down my cheeks. 

        "I'm sorry sister, The innocent have to die for the Dark Lord," Daphne said, with no regret, "Avada Kedavra!" 

        I don't know how I did it, but I ran out of the way before the curse could hit me. The green light hit the wall, and... rebounded back. Daphne looked at it shock and I tried to jump in front of it. I wasn't going to let my sister die because of me. 

        I screamed as the light hit my sister right as I had reached her. She fell limp to the ground and I fell beside her. I looked at her lifeless eyes, and screamed. "Daphne wake up! Wake up!" I said. I pulled her onto my lap, and cried. The tears fell onto Daphne's beautiful face, and I screamed again.         

        "Astoria! Astoria! Wake Up!" I heard someone's voice say. I shook awake and saw Draco. 

        "Is everything alright?" he said, and I began to cry into his shoulder. My whole body shook from my sobs, and Draco held me in a tight embrace. 

        "Shh.. It's alright, it's going to be alright," he whispered to me. 

        About five minutes later, my sobs subsided. Draco got up from where he was sitting, and I instantly fell cold. He started to walk out, but I said, "Please Stay, please."

        He nodded and crawled under the sheets and held me in his arms. I fell asleep, still thinking about my dream. 


        Hi! Thanks for reading! How do you guys like Astoria? Feel free to comment and vote. Thanks again for reading! :)

        *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of them belong to me.*


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