Chapter Ten- You'll meet your Prince Charming someday.

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                Astoria's P.O.V.

        "Where Draco?" Teddy asked me. 

        "He's at work," I said and flipped the pancakes. 

        "Oh, I wike Draco," Teddy said. I smiled and put the pancakes on a plate.

        "Ya, I do too," I said. I gave Teddy a pancake and he smiled happily. He began to munch on it and I smiled at him brightly. 

        "Why din't you wave to twork?" Teddy asked me. 

        "I got it off, Draco just couldn't," I said and smiled at Teddy.

        "Thwat Stinks," Teddy said and I laughed. 

         I began to eat my pancakes and looked at Teddy. "Well, Teddy, Ginny is going to be here in a few minutes. We better get you ready, what do you say?" I said.

        He smiled at me and hopped off his chair. I gathered up his toys and smiled. I wish I had a kid, it'd be fun.


                Ding! "I think that's Ginny, Ted," I said and got up from playing cars. I went towards the door and answered it. 

        Ginny was at the door and smiled at me. "Hi, how was Teddy?" Harry asked and Teddy came up to me. He had his backpack and his toys. I smiled, he was a smart kid. 

        "Oh, he was amazing!" I said. Teddy hugged me and walked over to Ginny. 

        "That's good," Ginny said. She gave me a ten dollar bill, but I refused. 

        "Really, I don't need the money. It was a pleasure to babysit him," I said. Ginny nodded. 

        "Well thanks again," Ginny said and smiled. She began to walk towards the car and Teddy smiled at me. 

        "Hwere, I want you and Dwaco to wave thwis," Teddy said and handed me a car. I smiled and gave him a hug. He ran off and left. 

        I walked back into Draco's flat and walked into his room. I got changed into a blue dress with a silver locket. I put my hair in a tight pony tail, with a red bow. I went and sat down on the couch and fiddled with my locket. 

        What to do? I hated having days off without Draco. It was so damn boring. Suddenly my locket opened and I saw an old picture. It was of two girls, who both had long blonde hair. The older one was gorgeous with her pointed features and smile. The younger one smiled toothily and had mud all over her fingers. I could feel tears pricking my eyes and held the locket close to me. The two girls had been me and Daphne. 

        Memories rushed into my head and I could feel tears coming down my cheeks. I got up from the couch and grabbed a picture of Draco. He was smiling at me as he made us dinner. I had taken this picture about a year ago and smiled a bit. I was trying to push the memories of me and Daphne out.

        I laughed a bit. We weren't even dating but we practically lived together. My flat had hardly any furniture in it and I only stayed in it about once a week. My mind wandered to the night Draco had comforted me after my nightmare. He was such a great person, he had changed. He wasn't the bastard that I had read about in the daily prophet, he was perfect. 

        I looked back at the picture of me and Daphne and laughed. My mind wandered to a particular memory and I smiled, letting myself think about it. 

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