Chapter Seven- Get Out.

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                Ginny's P.O.V.

        "Thanks so much Ginny for watching Teddy," Andromeda said. Teddy smiled at me and gave me one last hug.

        "No problem, it's always a pleasure to watch him," I said and hugged Andromeda. Andromeda and Teddy got in the car and drove away. 

        I walked into my flat and sat down on the couch. I began to twiddle with my fingers, I felt nervous. I wanted to talk to Harry, I wanted to get rid of his arrogance, but I was nervous. 

        "Hey Honey!" Harry said walking through the door. I smiled at him. 

        "Hi, um... Harry can we talk?" I said. He nodded his head and sat down on the couch. 

        "What do you need to talk about?" he said. I looked at my fingers. 

        "Um.. Harry, it's just, well, you've been a royal ass lately," I said and looked up at him. He looked at me in shock, but then scowled. 

        "Really, well Ginny you've been a little bitch," he said. He always had to win in fights, I wasn't going to let him though. 

        "No I haven't. All I ever do is listen to you! But your being an arrogant bastard!" I said. Harry narrowed his eyes. 

        "Oh Really!? You never listen to me! You talk to that Astoria girl all the time!" Harry yelled at me. 

        "I'm just trying to make friends! If you haven't noticed, it's kind of lonely here! Especially during the week!" I yelled at him. My anger was building up, and I was going to burst at any second. 

        "Then get a freaking Job!" Harry yelled, "I make all the money, you're just being a lazy ass!"

        "How dare you?! I have a freaking job! You are such an asshole! Stop being such a freaking bastard!" I yelled at him. 

        "You do nothing! You can't cook, You can't do anything!" Harry yelled at me. 

        "I cant do anything?! I cant do anything?! You think you can do everything because you defeated Voldemort! Well I hate to break it to you, but your an arrogant asshole!" I said. 

        "Did you defeat Voldemort?! I think not! So shut up!" Harry yelled. I could feel anger flowing through me. 

        "Shut up! You couldn't have done that without Neville! Hermione! Ron! ME! You couldn't do it by yourself!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and scowled. 

        "Who destroyed most of the Horcruxes! Who died so you could live?" Harry yelled at me. 

        "You did! But you didn't destroy each Horcrux! You might've found them, but you didn't destroy them all!" I yelled a him. 

        "Oh really? Who destroyed them?! If it wasn't me!" Harry yelled at me. 

        "Ron, Neville, Hermione! Dumbledore!" I yelled at him. I got up from the couch and Harry jumped up with me. 

        "Who takes care of Teddy?! Because it sure as hell isn't you?!" He yelled at me. I looked at him and clenched my fist. 

        "Really?! You take care of him! The last I checked, I'm the one who plays with him! Not you!" I said. I looked at the picture of Teddy and smiled. 

        I felt a burning pain on my cheek. I lifted my hand to it and turned on Harry. "You Asshole!" I said. 

        "I'm an Asshole, have you looked at yourself lately!" he yelled at me. He lowered his hand, and I could feel tears pricking my eyes. 

        "Get out," I said. 

        He looked taken aback and said, "What?"

        "I said, Get Out," I said and looked at him in the eyes. 

        He looked at me, and then disapparated. I slumped against the couch and began to cry. Why did this have to happen? He had never been like this. 

        I put my hand to my cheek and tears flowed down my cheeks. I got up and grabbed the picture of Teddy. Why couldn't he be here? He always wiped my tears away. I sat down on the couch and curled into a little ball. 

        I looked at the picture. Teddy had blue hair, with a flash of bubblegum pink. He wore a blue shirt and khaki shorts. He was smiling brightly and had an oreo in his hand. Wait... Bubblegum Pink. Bubblegum Pink. Tonks. Was it possible, that he remembered what his mom looked like. I had never shown him a picture and neither had Andromeda. I began to cry harder, poor, poor Teddy. 

        Next time I saw him, I was going to tell him about his parents. They deserved it, they deserved their son's respect. 


        Hey! Thanks for Reading! I hope you enjoyed. Please feel free to comment and vote. I will update soon! Thanks again for reading! :)

        *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of them belong to me.*


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