Chapter Two- Please Angelina, Sit Down.

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                George's P.O.V.

        "Are you ready to go?" Angelina asked, putting on her shoes. 

        "Angelina, I thought you were going to stay home," I said. I looked at her stomach, which was bulging. 

        "Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't help your little sister move into her new flat," Angelina said and glared at me. 

        "So I guess we're bringing Fred?" I said. 

        "What do you think?" Angelina said, and got up from the couch. She wobbled towards Fred's room, and came out carrying a little boy.

        Fred looked nothing like me, he looked like his mother in every way. Curly brown hair, round face, and he was pretty short. He was sleeping in Angelina's arms, but I knew at any moment he'd wake up. We walked out to the car, and got in. Like I thought, Fred woke up within two minutes of being in the car. 

        It took us about 20 minutes to get to Ginny and Harry's new place. It was small and had a tiny place for gardening. Angelina smiled and wobbled out of the car. I grabbed Fred, who instantly wiggled out of my arms, and held onto my hand. He was a boisterous little kid.

        "Is Tweddy, gwoing to be thwere?" he asked me, looking up at me with big chocolate eyes. 

        "I think so, you two can play together," I said, and we knocked on the door. Angelina smiled at me, and the door opened. 

        A little boy with bright blue hair was standing in the doorway, and smiling happily. "Wet's go Pway, Fweddy!" Teddy said, and ran off with Fred. The two of them were inseparable, they reminded me of Fred and I. 

        Ginny came up to the door and smiled at us, "Come on in. Angelina are you sure you want to help, you really don't need to."

        "Of course I want to help! Just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can't help," Angelina said, and hugged Ginny, or at least attempted to. 

        I gave Ginny a small hug, and walked into the flat. It was pretty roomy, and had tan walls. Ginny showed us around and I saw Fred and Teddy playing on a little patio. 

        "Where's Harry?" I asked after we had finished looking around. 

        "He is with Ron, bringing all the furniture down. He also stole one of your trucks," Ginny said and laughed. I laughed and Angelina smiled brightly. 

        "So, is it a girl or boy?" Ginny said, after we had finished laughing.

        "Angelina thinks it's a girl, but I personally think it going to be a walrus! Look at her, she's huge right now! When we were having Fred, she never got this big!" I said. Angelina laughed at my joke, and Ginny smiled. 

        "Here comes Ron and Harry!" Ginny said. She ran up to the door and walked out, I followed her to help unload.  

        Just as Ginny had said, they had indeed took one of the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and I laughed at them. 

        Ron and Harry came out and each were holding giant boxes. "So you two decided to steal one of my cars?" I said, and grabbed a box. I walked into the house and set it down. 

        Harry laughed a bit and said, "Well you said we could borrow it." I smiled and Angelina went and hugged Harry and Ron. 

        "Where's Hermione?" I asked, looking at Ron. Ron looked up from what he was doing and smirked. 

        "She had to work, she couldn't get it off," he said, and went outside. I followed and Angelina came out. 

        "Ang, Are you sure you want to help?" Harry called from the truck, looking over the couch. 

        "Oh my God! I'm positive!" Angelina said, and glared at Harry. She hated when people doubted she could do stuff, even if she was pregnant. 

        "Okay, if you ever need to sit down, none of us will judge you," Harry said and smiled. Angelina went and helped Ginny grab a box, and we began unpacking.


                We had unloaded most of the heavy stuff, and Angelina must have sat down at least 10 times. I smiled at her as I helped her build the bookcase.

        "Well this has been fun," Angelina said and smiled at me. Her hair was coming loose of her ponytail and she had dust on her flannel shirt. 

        "Ya, it has been, do you remember when we moved into our house?" I said. I smiled at the memory, thinking about how we had ended up having a paint war. Our wall had been splattered, and instead of painting it blue like we had planned, we had kept that way.

        "Ya, that was fun," Angelina said and smiled brightly. We finished up the book case, and moved it towards the T.V. 

        "Hey George! Help us move the couch!" Bill yelled. Bill had arrived about in hour into moving in. I got up and Angelina followed. 

        "I want to help," She said. I smiled at her, and took her small hand. We walked to where Bill was and saw Harry, Ron, and Percy. 

        The couch was sitting in the room that was going to be Ginny and Harry's. The bed was already in, and the couch was at the end of it. I walked towards it, but stopped when I heard Angelina wince in pain. I turned and looked at her, she was kneeling over and winced again.

        "God!! I hate being pregnant!" she said, and attempted to get up. 

        "Angelina, you should sit down," Bill said, and smiled slightly at her. 

        "Are you guys sure?" Angelina aksed. I was surprised that she hadn't refused, she must be in a lot of pain. 

        "Please Angelina, sit down," I said, and led her over to the bed. She gave me a faint smile and I went over to the couch. 


        We finished upacking at about 4:00 and sat around and talked. Ginny smiled at me, and said, "Thanks so much Georgie! Teddy was pretty happy to have a friend!" 

        Angelina smiled at Teddy and Fred and I hugged Ginny. "Well, bye, I'm happy we could help," I said. I walked up to Ron and Harry who were in deep discussion about Quidditch. 

        "See ya guys!" I said. Harry looked at me and put out his hand. 

        "Thanks for helping," Harry said, and shook my hand. I shook Ron's hand, and I acted like I was disgusted. Angelina and I then walked out with a sleeping Fred in our arms. 


        HI! Thaks so much for reading!! How did you guys like it!!! I will try and update soon. Feel free to vote and comment. Any ideas are welcome, and I will try and use. Thanks again! 

                *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, I do not own any of them.*

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