Chapter Five- They're not Dating...

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                Hermione's P.O.V.

        "Hermione?! You coming?" Ron yelled from the front room. I grabbed my bag off the bed and walked out. 

        "I'm so excited to see their new flat, I bet it's so cute!" I said, and walked out of our small house. I got into the car, and Ron drove towards Ginny's flat. 

        We got their in a couple of minutes and I saw Ginny outside with Teddy eating... oreos. I didn't know Ginny knew what Oreos were. She wasn't really one for muggle things. 

        "Hey guys!" Ginny said and came over to us. She hugged me and Ron. 

        Teddy came up to us, holding an oreo. "Hi! I like these cookies!" He said, lifting the oreo up for me to see.

        "What is that cookie?" Ron said, looking at it with curiosity. 

        "They're called oreos, Astoria gave them to us," Ginny said and shrugged, "I love them."

        Harry came out and grabbed the oreos from Teddy's hands. "Hey guys! Happy you could come," he said and smiled at us. 

        "Ya, we're happy we could come too," I said, "Can I look at your flat?" 

        "Ya, come with me," Ginny said and walked into the flat. 

        It was cute flat, and had a patio. Harry and Ron went out there and started up the grill, and Ginny and I stayed inside cutting up fruit.  Teddy was sitting on the deck watching Harry cook burgers. 

        "I love your flat," I said as I cut up the watermelon. 

        "Thanks, I like it to," Ginny said, "Do you want to eat in the front foyer instead?" 

        "Sure, I'll go tell Ron and Harry," I said, and walked onto the patio. 

        Teddy looked at me and showed me a toothy smile. "We're eating in the front foyer," I said. Harry and Ron nodded and then went back to talking. 


        "Teddy how old are you?" Ginny asked and smiled. 

        Teddy looked at her and smiled. "I'm thwee," he said, holding up three messy fingers.

        "That's awesome!" I said and he laughed happily.

         I looked at Harry and Ron who were glaring at the flat next door. I raised an eyebrow, and Ginny caught my look. "Malfoy lives next to us," she said to me. 

        "Really?" I said. Before Ginny could answer, I saw Malfoy walk out of his flat with some girl. The girl had bright blue hair, and black glasses on.          

        "Who's the girl?" I asked. She didn't look familiar. 

        "Her name's Astoria, I've had lunch with her a couple of times," Ginny said, "She's pretty sweet."

        "Is she a muggle?" I asked. After asking it I highly doubted it, Malfoy had always been prejudice. 

        "No, but she sure as hell acts like one," Ginny said. I laughed a bit, and looked at Harry and Ron. 

        "How the hell did he get a girl like her?! She seems like such a sweet and caring person, and he's, such a douche!" Ron said and Harry laughed a bit. 

        "They're not dating," Ginny said. I looked at her shocked, thinking she was teasing. But she was serious. 

        "What?" I said. But they were living together...

        "They're not dating," Ginny said again, a little more loudly. I gaped at her, and looked at Ron. 

        "If they're not dating why are they living together?" I asked. Maybe they were roomates or something. 

        "They don't live together. She has her own flat, she only stays at it about once a week," Ginny said. This looked like news to Harry, and I couldn't help but smile. 

        "Why the hell would she want to live with a guy like that?" Ron said. Ginny smirked. 

        "Because they're friends. And which he's changed," Ginny said, and smiled. I couldn't believe that, he was such an asshole, he hated muggles. but then why was he living in a muggle facility?

        "Oh come on, Gin, he has not changed," Harry said. He was looking at Ginny with a stern look. Teddy looked at his fingers, turning them all sorts of colors. 

        "Believe what you want to believe," Ginny said and rolled her eyes. She got up from the table and walked into the house. 

        I followed her with a couple of dishes, and Teddy followed me in with his plate. I threw the paper plates into the garbage and went over to Ginny. She was glaring at Harry from the window. 

        "He's been such an ass lately, ever since we moved into here," Ginny said, "He gets on me everytime I go to lunch with Astoria or try and say Draco has changed." 

        I sighed and put an arm around Ginny. "I'm sorry Gin, I guess living next to Malfoy has sparked his old anger." 

        Ginny nodded and Ron walked in. "You should talk to him," I said, and then grabbed Teddy and walked outside. 


        Ron and I left about an hour later, and there was still a lot of tension between Harry and Ginny. 

        "Thanks again, Gin," I said. 

        "Ya, I can't wait for the wedding, only a week right?" she asked me, holding Teddy's hand. 

        "Yep," I said, and gave Harry a hug. 

        Ron and I walked out of the flat and sat in the car. Ron started it up and we began to drive home. "I forgot to tell Harry thanks," I said, when we got home. Ron laughed and we walked into our house. 


        Hey! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I will update soon. Feel free to comment and vote. Thanks again for reading! :)

         *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of them belong to me.*

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