Chapter Nine- You may kiss the Bride!

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                Fleur's P.O.V. 

        "Can you zip me up?" I asked Bill as I got ready for the wedding.

        "Ya," Bill said and got up from his seat. He zipped me up and smiled at me. 

        "How do I look?" I asked and looked at Bill. 

        Bill smiled at me and said, "Spectacular."

        I smiled a bit and turned to look in the mirror. I had a blue dress on and pink flats. Suddenly I felt queasy and ran towards the bathroom. I puked in the toilet and cringed. 

        Bill walked in and said, "You alright love?" I looked up at him and smiled a bit. 

        "Ya, just a sudden feeling of queasiness," I said. He smiled a bit and I turned to the toilet. I puked again and Bill rubbed my back. 

        "Can you grab my flower crown off the dresser?" I said. Bill nodded and got up. He came back in a couple of minutes, holding a dainty white flower crown. I placed it on my head and smiled. 

        I got up from the floor and flushed the toilet. "Sorry I don't know why I'm sick. Must've been something in that cream last night," I said and took Bill's hand.

        "Hey, don't worry about it," he said and we walked out of the burrow. 

        The wedding was being held at the burrow and Molly had really outdone herself. I think she wanted to make the best of it since this was probably last wedding she'd get to host. She had told me several times, that Charlie was a lost hope. 

        Bill and I walked towards Percy and Audrey. "Hello Bill!" Percy said and shook Bill's hand.

        Audrey came up and hugged me. I felt a lurch in my stomach but hugged Audrey back. When I pulled away I said, "I'll be back."

        I quickly ran off and puked in a garbage can. Ugh! I hate being sick. I walked back towards them and saw Bill and Percy in deep discussion.         

        "You look absolutely amazing," Audrey said. I smiled and said, "Thank you, you look lovely too."

        She smiled and looked down at her dress. It was lavender and she had a blue flower crown on. Hermione had wanted all the girls to wear flower crowns, she said it made it look more like Spring. 


        I looked at Bill and smiled. I wondered how Victoire was, she was currently at home with Allie, one of my favorite babysitters. The choir began to play their song and Hermione walked down the aisle. She looked absolutely amazing. Her dress was pearly white and escalated down the aisle. Nobody was by her side, and I smiled a bit. She hadn't let anyone take her dad's job. 

        She reached Ron and he smiled brightly at her. I smiled at them, thinking about my wedding. I looked at Bill and smiled at him. I looked back at up and could feel my stomach twisting in knots. God, not now, please not now. 

        "Do you take this women as yours?" Arthur said. 

        "Yes," Ron said and smiled brightly at Hermione,

        "And do you take this man as yours?" Arthur said turning to Hermione. 

        "Yes," Hermione said happily. I smiled at them.

        "You may kiss the bride!" Arthur said. Ron and Hermione kissed, and I clapped with the rest of the crowd. 

        "Bill, I think I'm going to puke," I whispered to Bill. Ron and Hermione pulled away and everyone began to get up. I smiled and ran off towards a garbage can. Bill soon met up with me and rubbed circles on my back. 

        "Ugh! Why do I have to be sick?!" I said. Bill laughed a bit and I went over to Ron and Hermione. 

        "Hey, I was wondering where you ran off!" Hermione said. I smiled and hugged her. 

        "Sorry, I'm just not feeling well," I said. 

        "Oh I'm so sorry," Hermione said. I hugged Ron and I smiled at her. 

        "You look beautiful!" I said. 

        Hermione smiled and walked off with Ron. Bill kissed me and I deepened the kiss. He pulled away and began walking towards the food.


        "The cake is fabulous," I said to Bill. 

        "I should hope so, you've already had 4 pieces," Bill said and laughed. I smiled and hugged Hermione.

        "The wedding was amazing," I said. 

        "Oh thank you," Hermione said. I smiled and hugged her and Ron. 

        Bill and I turned away and started walking towards the Burrow, "I had fun tonight," I said. Bill laughed and said, "Ya, me too."


        Hi! Thanks for reading. This chapter was not edited. Feel free to comment and vote. Thanks again for reading! :)

        *All characters belong to J.K. Rowling, none of the belong to me.*




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