(3) A Normal Relationship

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     "Babe, let's go," Damien tells me as he carried our things from my bedroom.

     I took Hunter's leash and tugged it gently so he could follow me. Before completely leaving the apartment, I stopped and looked around the place for the last time.

     "Goodbye apartment," I mumbled to myself.

     I've lived here for years. It's not easy to just leave all of a sudden but Damien and I have talked about this for a week, and both of us agreed that it would really be best if we moved on with everything that happened in the past.

     Damien also told me that the place that we'd be moving to would be an apartment he bought when he became the supposed CEO of the Association. He explained to me that the Companion's lived at the Mansion, but since he was the new chairman, he was granted permission to move out.

     And yes, he specifically told me there were no camera's there.

     "Your things will be sent there tomorrow," Damien says as he puts our luggage on the trunk of the car.

     I opened the back door of Damien's car; Hunter immediately getting inside like he's been inside this car a hundred times too.

     Well, what would I know anyways? Damien and Hunter were trained together for years.

      "Is it far from here?" I asked as I closed the door for Hunter. I sat on the passenger seat while Damien sat on the driver's seat.

     When everything was finally settled, he answered me, "A little bit. My apartment is located in the busiest part of the city, and it's near the building where I'm going to start the host club."

     "Host club...so like, people will go to the club and the Companion's will...flirt with them?" I confusingly asked since I don't really get what Damien wants yet.

     Damien chuckles and answers my question, "Well it kinda is, but no more forcing, or going home with the customers, just drinking, casual talks, and yes, a little flirting. My main goal is still like what Hael wanted, but now it's open for everyone, not just for the rich."

     I nodded my head as an understanding, then I looked out the window and asked him another question, "You told me you're going to hire a driver for me since EXRay Media is now farther away from where you live, and you also told me you'd hire a cook. Does that mean I won't get to see you often? Is that it?"

     I heard Damien take a deep breath, but he doesn't answer me right ahead.

     Since both of us are now working, I understand that both of us would end up being busy. But I can't help but feel that it's unfair. When I was working and Damien was just staying at home, I made sure I'd be able to eat with him three times a day and even free my time just to be with him. It's unfair because Damien seems like he's so prepared about being busy all the time that he has plans like having cooks and telling me to just go to sleep if ever he's not home yet. We've been apart for five years for Pete's sake; I did not want him to return just so we could end up having a relationship like that.

     "I'm sorry Dane," he finally answers me.

     "I still have a lot to work on so I could successfully start the business. I already have my people, but there are still too many paperworks that I have to finish. But you don't have to worry, it's just for a while, it won't be forever, I promise, " he continued.

     When I didn't say anything, I felt Damien grab my hand, then he squeezed it tightly, "are you mad?" he asked.

     I shook my head and looked back at him, "No, I will never be mad. You do what you have to do. Don't worry about me," I answered with a forced smile.

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