Chapter 4: You?!

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I need to find that girl ,she's wearing a black jacket with a white t-shirt inside and a dark blue jeans ,and she's wearing a backpack.

i looked at the street where she run into, i saw her still running, i run fast to chase her.
Im so close to her , i reached her back and i tapped it"Miss you dropped your wallet"she stoped running and looked at me"thank you" my eyes widened when i see the girl's face,"G-Grace Vanderwaal? Is that really you?"i said while still catching my breath"shh don't tell anyone"she said as she catches her breath too"don't worry im not gonna tell anyone that Grace Vanderwaal is here"Her tears come down and i don't know why. I put my hands on her shoulder"Hey are you alright?" I said in a worried voice"I can't take it anymore, im so tired.Im so sick following those stupid appointments,I just wanna rest, i just wanna have my normal life again!"she said with her croaky voice.

I grabbed her hand, and i run fast pulling her, i went in the shop and run through the stairs and finally in the rooftop"here you can scream all of your problems"i said while pointing in the beautiful view of the whole city"No thank you, im alright this your shop?"she looked at me before taking her eyes on the beautiful sunset"No, this is my friend's shop.But i stay here, i sleep here in the rooftop"I said pointing at the spot where i sleep"oh you don't have a house?" "I have a house, but i-uh" "You run away?" "Yeah"i said, this is so embarrassing.

"Well Grace aren't you going home yet? im sure your parents are worried about you" "i dont wanna go home"she started crying again"Why?"she didn't answer"You need to go home now Mrs.Vanderwaal!"i pulled her hand, i run down the stairs and we got out of the shop, i grabbed my bike and ride it"Seat here"i said while pointing at the backseat of my bike.She sat down and she put her hands at the back of her seat."You know what? Your gonna fall out of the bike if you put your hands there"i grabbed her hands and wrap it around my waist"There, hold on tight!" "Where are we going?"she said

"Im gonna take you home" "How? You don't know where my house is, Do you?"oh crap i completely forgot that"Do you have a gps on your phone?"I asked while looking at the pedals of my bike, because i can't look at her ,its so embarrassing."Uh yeah, here take my phone"she said while handing me her phone.
I take the phone from her hands and put it on my bike basket, and i tied her phone tightly so it won't fall from the bike.

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