Chapter 6

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It was Saturday and I had nothinmg to do.

"It's so boring, have nothing to do and  I'm home alone." I signed loud enough for neighbours to hear me.

"I wonder what everyone else is up to. Should I go around the city, maybe someone from class will be there. Hopefully." I said it out loud getting up to go out.

I have been walking for the pats hour but haven't seen anyone I know until I  bumped into someone. I fell on my but.

'That scared me' I though and was about to apologise for bumping into them but I felt someone pick me up.

"Aren't you a cute little kitty." Uraraka said squeezing me to death. I felt someone else grabing me and pulling me away from Uraraka.

"What do you think you're doing to my cat?" Kacchan asked angry.

'A cat? Did I turn into a cat? What?' I though.

"I'm sorry I didn't know it was yours." She said.

"You better be." Was all he said and walked away from her. "Where did you go last night. I was worried you run away."

'He was worried.?' I questioned. 'Sorry, Kacchan.'

"Meow~" I answered happily even tho he couldn't understand.

"Let's go home." He said and walked back to his place.

'I don't mind spending time at your home, I did write a note to Inko and Izu if they come back before me, it could be fun and I could finaly thank him for yesterday.' I though.

I could finaly see his home and when he walked in, his mother saw me and jumped up from the couch, running my way. She was starting to scare me. I never new she could be so scary.

I quickly jumped on Kacchans shoulders, trying to hide from her.

"Get lost. You're scaring her." He said shoving her as far away as he could. She almost got me a few times. I jumped off him when she wasn't looking and run to Kacchans room before she notices I'm gone. He soon followed and opened his bedroom doors for me to walk in.

'I'm not sure how long it might take to turn back to normal but I will enjoy every moment' I though and then I felt a strange feeling.

"What the?" Kacchan said.

"Oh. I'm back."I said.

"You were that white cat all this time?"

"Amm... Yeah. Sorry for not saying anything sooner, Kacchan." I said looking down. I somehow couldn't look him in the eyes. He didn't say anything for a few minutes but it felt like hours to me.  I didn't know why I felt nervous and it couldn't possibly be.... that.

"Why in the first place you were a cat?" Kacchan asked.

"Well... I wanted to thank you for what you did in classroom so... Thank you for saving me. I wasn't fast enough to catch up to you so I tried to turn into an animal that was small enough so I didn't have to use much stamina. But can I still visit you? Like this and in my cat form? I can be some other animal as well if that makes it better."


"But why not? I'm already here. Can we play some games? I'm alone at home. Inkos out and Izu is doing some training. It's boring."

"You're living with Deku?"

"Well yeah. You were there when Izu said that it's alright that I stay at his place. Because I have nowhere else to go." I said but the last part I whispered bearly audible for normal people but I guess Kacchan heard me.

"Then stay here." He said but when he understood what he just said he blushed, like a lot.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan but I can't. But I would love to hang out with you. Please."

"Do what ever you want. I don't care."

"Yaaay." I was so happy that he agreed that I hugged him, more like squeezed him.

"Let go of me." He tried to push me off but didn't work. He tried even harder until I fell backwards and grabed his hand and he fell on top of me.

We stared into each others eyes until someone opened the door.

"Keep it down will you?" Said Kacchans mother.

"Oh~ did I interrupted something?"

"No ma'am." I said.

"My little boy is growing up so fast. Don't mind me. I just hope I will jot be a grandmother so soon." And with that she left.

"Well.... That was awkward. So are you gonna get off me or what?"

"Y-yeah. Sure."

"Did you just-"

"No! I didn't."

"What ever you say. I better get going. Otherwise someone might think we're doing something we shouldn't. So.... see ya on monday." I said getting up and about to walk out the door.

"Yeah. See you." He said quietly,  almost lie whisper. Still blushing and a bit confused about what just happened.

As I was walking home I saw Inko carrying heavy bags. So I rushed to her and grabed most of the bags.

"Let me help you." I said with a smile as she looked at me with suprised expression.

"Amm... Sure. I gue I bought a bit too much stuff for me alone to carry and my quirk isn't as strong to us  it on so many bags."

"Don't worry. It's the least I can do for letting me stay at your place."

"Don't worry about it. It feels like I have a daughter. So it's kind of refreshing."

We finaly got home, I unpacked everything as Inko started to make dinner.

"Izus late. Where could he be?"

"Oh he's probably training again. He should be home soon."

"Ah. I see." Just when I said that Izu walked in.

"Welcome home." Me and Inko said in unison.

"I'm home."

"Go take a shower. Dinner should be ready by then."


Once Izu took shower and everyone ate dinner I went to talk to Izu about what's gonna happen.

*knock* *knock*

"Come in Mari." Izu said.

"Hey. I need to talk to you about something important, well more like warn you."

"What is it?"

"You know everyone will be going to train with chosen heroes on Monday. I'm going with Uraraka. I need to train myself. But that's not the point here. Something will happen on your way back. But remember your blood type will matter a lot. I can't tell you more. I know it will be okay. So goodnight." And with that I quickly went to my room.

'If I would have said more about it the story might change. I can't let that to happen.' I though.

"I still need my hero costume. What should I do? I could walk around the city, maybe I would spot something that works. Yeah but it's getting late and I need my stamina." I said out loud as I got in bed and soon darkness took over me.

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